In ten months of writing On Hillsborough, I have never once thought about quitting. That doesn't mean there haven't been many obvious reasons to give this up - I am reminded of those every time I sit down to write.
Firstly, this takes a lot of time. I feel fortunate if I can turn out one of these blog entries in under two hours. Surprisingly, it's the short pieces that end up taking the most time. That's because a a very short piece usually means that I have spent a couple of hours staring at a notepad or computer screen trying to work up something longer, and then have scrapped it and substituted a "quickie".
Secondly, the pay isn't great - in fact it's non-existent. This is just one of my eight or ten unpaid jobs. And unlike a typical job, there is no praise for doing good work - no pats on the pack, no "attaboys". Sure, I get to see an excerpt of one of my pieces on the editorial page once or twice a week, but that is always a surprise. I have zero contact with any of the editors that put me up to this. I still have to pay for my Courier News subscription like everyone else.
Thirdly, I have been singled out and berated for some of my views - especially my stance against government change in Hillsborough last year. I have been called a liar and a criminal - and have unfairly been put on the defensive on numerous occasions because of my opinions.
So why do I keep writing? I have an absolute right to say what I want to say - even if there are those that don't agree. I am not afraid of criticism - I welcome it. Writing makes me a better thinker and a better person. I love this town - I love to write about its past, present, and future - I want to make it better. I enjoy the act of writing and am proud of the finished pieces.
Yes - these 200 blog entries are the 200 reasons I keep writing. I know I have hundreds more waiting to get out - one at a time - five days a week - 20 days a month.
You keep reading, I'll keep writing!
Since I am the person who has provided most if not all of the criticism of your posts here and in other places, like in the Hillsborough Beacon forum, it is imperative that your false statements here be corrected - yet again! You have this terrible habit of saying things that are not true, of "packaging" comments outside of appropriate context.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be very much against the ability of anyone to challenge what you write, even if the comments are perfectly factual, logical and well-deserved. You eventually stoop to name-calling when you cannot provide facts to support your opinions. This is all from recent history.
Greg Wrote - "Thirdly, I have been singled out and berated for some of my views - especially my stance against government change in Hillsborough last year."
No Greg, if you were referring to me, then clearly YOU have NOT been singled out! You have been added to the long list of people who aided and abetted if not actively worked to defraud the voters of Hillsborough on a critical issue. And every accusation I made about you is totally correct. You KNOW my claims are accurate because you avoided them like the plague, or twisted what I wrote to mislead readers.
You have every right to express your opinion but you don't seem to think I have any right to ensure that your opinion is fair, non-political and unbiased!
Regarding the change of govt issue, you very clearly hid critical information from the voters/readers, you agreed completely with those who lied repeatedly about this whole issue, and while you claim to have wanted an open, intelligent discussion, you ONLY presented ONE SIDE.
You knew Jackson's 39% tax increase was primarily if not completely NOT due to the change in govt, but you helped to promote the lie instead of helping the voters to know The Truth!
Is there anything inaccurate in what I've stated so far? No - you know it as well as I do!
What else does Greg write here - "I have been called a liar and a criminal - and have unfairly been put on the defensive on numerous occasions because of my opinions."
Incorrect again Greg, again IF you are referring to what I've written. I am able to label you a LIAR because I proved that beyond any shadow of doubt. You did that to yourself Greg. I do not recall calling you a criminal, therefore that comment cannot be related to me.
Reagrding your opinions, again, the problem here is that your opinions have been based almost totally on just ONE SIDE of issues and during an attempt to explore your basis and facts, you fail every time, to be capable of providing clear, logical and intelligent support for what you write. Therefore we can only conclude that you operate with a hidden agenda. As long as you fail to provide adult and intelligent written support for opinions that I find objectionable, then I have every right to challenge your assumptions, let alone request a complete list of the facts you apply.
You call it UNFAIR to be challenged to provide basis for opinions that are WAY out of line when considering the ENTIRETY of facts and relevant information??? Nonsense Greg! It's only unfair if you think you can come here and spew politically motivated falsehoods, like calling the 1.4% municipal tax increase not only factual and accurate, but a BETTER number than the honest and ACTUAL tax increase, which was 10.7%!!! Any unbiased reader with knowledge of the Truth can only come to a conclusion that you are working hard to help the politicians who are more interested in helping themselves, than in helping the town. The list of THEIR lies is voluminous! Yet you are completely in sync with them - you have not objected to the plethora of lies from your pals!?
We must ask WHY?
To finish, Greg writes - "I have an absolute right to say what I want to say - even if there are those that don't agree. I am not afraid of criticism - I welcome it."
As we can see very clearly, Greg does NOT like ANY criticism! He objects to it and thereafter labels it as UNFAIR!?
YEs Greg, you have every right to your opinion. However, the second you foist it upon the public, I get to demand explanation if your facts are incorrect, your opinion defective or even dangerous, and when you fail to do so, I have every right to present MY opinion.
Apparently Greg thinks only HE has the right to give his opinion. Sadly, I doubt this will be the last time I have to correct his postings.
Glenn - you called me a criminal numerous times on the Hillsborough Beacon forum - most notably on April 8 at 6:34 p.m. - just 16 hours before you wrote here that you couldn't recall it!
ReplyDeleteAll the rest of it I have answered before. I stand by all of it. I have not lied.
ReplyDeleteMr. van Lier who as Mayor of Hillsborough Township send out a letter to all residents that -- "packaged" comments outside of appropriate context, has the nerve to accuse others of doing the same. Sheeez Glenn, you are the master who taught everyone how to do that!
However, Mr. van Lier’s “packaging” of the truth was so false he and his cohorts got sued for it and his insurance company decided to settle out of court in favor of the person who sued Mr. van List and cohorts.
Mr. VAN Lier “packaged” the truth about Q3 and Q5. He claimed our taxes would go down as they had in many towns around us, but when challenged to name any town where taxes had gone down he fail to do so. Worse, he continually referred a Rutgers Study that he said proved taxes went down, but he “packaged” the material so as to forgot to mention the study took place on data from towns in New Jersey over the time frame of 1950 to 1962.
Now he “packages” himself as Not a Political Candidate, then turns around and admits he is working feverishly to get the republican’s out of office. I don’t know about you Greg, but in my mind anyone working as hard as Glenn to unseat an incumbent politician is indeed a Political Candidate, just his candidacy is not on the ballot. Wouldn’t you agree?
Greg, I really appreciate your blog.
ReplyDelete// pats Greg on the back
Your opinions and research are valued contributions to our community. Don't let the haters bring you down. Keep up the good work.
Greg - first to your comments. You continue to mislead people, perhaps intentionally and you have done it yet again!!! Are you incapable Greg, of having an adult and intelligent dialog or are you capable and choose to lie?
ReplyDeleteGreg claims I called him a "criminal" in a specific response I made at the Hillsborough Beacon site and that it completely untrue.
I provided MANY facts and accusations absed upon clear facts that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Greg Gillette has lied, has helped to cover up numerous lies of his political pals, and has had many opportunities to point out the truth about several critical issues of prime importance to Hillsborough residents - and he has FAILED to provide unbiased, factual content or opinion.
Greg right here claims to have answered all of these but there is not ONE shred of truth in that statement either! Greg has avoided the real facts here like the plaque since he knows he is guilty. Since he is clever enough to NOT answer certain questions, that tells me he isn't just ignorant of the facts. He seems to know the facts but chooses to lie about them or to ignore them to allow lies to take root in our community.
Do I have to repeat the NUMEROUS lies surrounding the Change of govt issue Greg, and prove that you either supported them, or at least allowed the lies to stand without challenge???
Do I have to copy and paste portions of the exchange where you clearly argued that it was okay to have a closed mind and to have already decided AGAINST any change in govt? Because you claimed to have had an OPEN mind in your blog, but we know you argued AGAINST any change from day one!!! That would be a LIE!
Anywhere in your 20 blog entries Greg, did you provide explanations for the conclusion of the Charter Study Commission?
NO - you didn't! You listed the Pluses and minuses in many instances but your readers only read YOUR conclusions and NOT that of the Beacon editor nor of the Charter Sudy Commission!
The CSC conducted a 9 month investigation and they obtained considerable unbiased and factual information - that you and your political pals ignored completely.
Just one of those issues was about tax increases. What did YOU tell the voting public about potential tax increases or savings with a new form of govt? You KNEW that the 39% number was from the LIE about Jackson's huge tax increase, and you KNEW it was a lie! But you didn't CORRECT it, you actually claimed there should be a town that had a 39% REDUCTION to offset the 39% INCREASE . . . meaning you AGREED with the lying elected officials, your pals!
TO sum, Greg hasn't answered ANY of the many charges against him as he says he did (that's another lie right there) and he claims I called him a criminal when I certainly did NOT do that. Another lie! He can't stop himself from lying!
Obviously Greg, if you feel ANY of this is incorrect, please provide the facts. I would especially like you to explain your false claim that I called you a criminal. I'll bet you avoid it altogether and just wave your ahnd again "I stand by my comments" which in your case must mean, "I can't answer the question or provide any facts, so I'll just make something up".
Ladies and gentlemen, 08844 has commented here many times before and it's always the same nasty, dishonest and libelous nonsense. But I'll go through it yet again to prove that this person is lying in order to "kill the messenger" because he and his political cronies don't want The Truth to get out into the open since they and their cronies are guilty of the most unethical, most dishonest and most egregious behavior perhaps in the history of Hillsborough!
ReplyDeleteLie #1 "Mr. van Lier who as Mayor of Hillsborough Township send out a letter to all residents that -- "packaged" comments outside of appropriate context, has the nerve to accuse others of doing the same. Sheeez Glenn, you are the master who taught everyone how to do that!"
First, 08844 doesn't prove I was wrong about Greg Gillette misleading people - he knows I'm right about THAT so instead he attacks me with this lie.
Next, this criminal knows the truth here because this has been a constant false accusation! The Hillsborough Republican Party in general in 1998's campaign, and Jeff Michaels was the specific architect, designed and mailed a letter that was misleading. It was accurate but did not include the full context and was therefore misleading. I allowed my signature to be used - I did NOT otherwise write the piece, design it, nor did I gain from it!!!!!
So this 08844 LIES to try to get YOU to believe I sent out a misleading letter when in fact that is a lie because he knows I didn't do more than just allow my signature! The candidate and the campaign manager are the ones who decide on what gets sent out and I was neither one!
Lastly, at least I admitted to this misleading item - out of ALL the Republicans sued in 1999, I am the ONLY one who was honest enough to tell the newspapers that the piece was misleading!
More of the lies of 08844.
ReplyDeleteLie #2 - "Mr. VAN Lier “packaged” the truth about Q3 and Q5. He claimed our taxes would go down as they had in many towns around us, but when challenged to name any town where taxes had gone down he fail to do so. Worse, he continually referred a Rutgers Study that he said proved taxes went down, but he “packaged” the material so as to forgot to mention the study took place on data from towns in New Jersey over the time frame of 1950 to 1962."
This is completely inaccurate! First and foremost, it is a matter of record in numerous Charter Study Commission meetings, we heard expert and unbiased testimony from people with experience in Mayor-Council government who said that form was MUCH more efficient than Township Committee form! We also obtained considerable information from other towns who had gone through a charter study and they found that there was substantial evidence that a change of govt would result in savings - as did our CSC!
The claim here is that the CSC promised a reduction in taxes but that is untrue! The final report says it very clearly - in general, while there will be a one-time cost to change the govt that the improved operations would afford long-term savings that would offset the one-time costs to change!
CSC stated very clearly, that taxes should at a minimum go up LESS QUICKLY than they have been in the past because of the improved operations and the increased accountability of the elected officials to the voters.
There was no such promise to REDUCE taxes!
However, there WAS the LIE from our elected officials and RALG/Republican Party officials who falsely claimed taxes would GO UP if we changed! THAT has NEVER been shown to be anything but a nasty, dishonest and despicable lie!
Lastly on this topic, this criminal KNOWS that the Rutgers study was NOT relied upon as the basis for the CSC conclusions, although he tries to make you believe that! The CSC obtained the research and while it is still very much relevant to today's situation, it is old and "dated" and so was NOT used as the only or even a huge part of the basis for our conclusions!
I predict this criminal named 08844 will NOT provide ANY facts to back up these utterly false and disgusting claims! There will only be more nasty name-calling and more libelous accusations - all false and intended to injure my reputation!
Nice person, eh??????
Hey 08844, IF you have the courage of your convictions and have nothing to hide, use your real name as I do! That way we'll know whether you are one of the political thugs running Hillsborough
right now, or if there are any other political conflicts of interest at work that makes you driven to lie and libel and otherwise make nasty, illegal and disgusting comments.
More 08844 lies.
ReplyDeleteLie #3 - "Now he “packages” himself as Not a Political Candidate, then turns around and admits he is working feverishly to get the republican’s out of office. I don’t know about you Greg, but in my mind anyone working as hard as Glenn to unseat an incumbent politician is indeed a Political Candidate, just his candidacy is not on the ballot. Wouldn’t you agree?"
Again, more lies from this character! I most certainly NEVER said I want Republican's in general out of office! I AM a Republican but I want to return the Hillsborough Republican Party to one with honest and honorable officials. I want the current people who are guilty of massive voter fraud, repeatedly lying to the voters and practicing political paybacks in the worst way, to LEAVE public office because they have only served themselves and their political party and NOT the People which is what a public servant is supposed to do!
Next, what a ridiculous accusation - that even though I'm not running for office, that I am a political candidate??? What a truly ignorant comment aimed at having myself labeled as a politician when in fact I am a private citizen practicing free speech in pointing out the numerous lies and self-serving actions by our own elected officials that wastes taxpayers' money and has in fact deprived the voters of haing their say in the last election.
It's despicable what these criminals do every day, lying to the public and covering for their misdeeds so they can keep abusing the voters of Hillsborough!
As usual, not one thing I've stated has been shown to be false! They TRY to claim what I've said isn't true but when you read it, you see that they are just lying, again! Not very nice is it?
Greg - if you would like, and if you continue to lie to your readers here claiming that you have responded to my accusations when in fact you haven't, I will repost each one of the claims and proofs I've already posted, and then you can copy and paste your responses!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course, you won't have anything to copy and paste since you have NOT responded to my claims in the least. Well, truthfully, you provided comments aimed at distracting readers from the real truth, and you beat around the bush to make it APPEAR that you were responding to me, but we both know you didn't.
I am not going harass you but you will not be allowed to mislead the readers with false accusations and claims as you have done repeatedly, including just now in your response to me.
Again, if you think I am incorrect, I can and will elaborate. I can perhaps even provide the EXACT exchange between you and the poster on where you very clearly said not only that you did NOT have an open mind on govt change, but you strenuously argued it was completely apporpriate to have a CLOSED MIND, to have already made up your mind on it???!!!
Oh, and we can also provide your own exact words where you went nuts when your real name was tied to Greg90 but when it was pointed out that you had already admitted to such, you then calmed down!!!
A guy named Returnus Postus has the records in question, so the exact posts you made can be provided - in the event you wish to continue to lie to the readers here about what you truthfully wrote!!!
Glenn van Lier is a LIAR. Plain and simple. Here is what he wrote on the Hillsborough Beacon forum. Note the use of the word "criminals".
ReplyDelete"Did Greg Gillette lie to the public repeatedly and did he agree 100% with the political group that conducted massive voter fraud? Yes! Did Curt Carnes similarly fight any possible change in govt BEFORE any facts were in and so support the voter fraud? Yes! He also committed other sins as I detailed.
Of course in an intelligent debate, people SHOULD stick to the facts. In this case, these criminals have no facts to support their claims so all they do is lie more and more and more!"
He has referred top me as a criminal. He has in fact accused me of criminal wrongdoing regarding NJ ELEC laws.
He is a LIAR.
Glenn - I am asking you for a retraction and an apology. This is the only chance you will get.
Note. Glenn uses the word "criminal" at least 33 times in his ongoing rant on the Hillsborough Beacon forum. That's right 33 times!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Greg selected just the one piece from the response I wrote in the Hillsborough Beacon forum. Of oucrse the entire response contains a much wider view and so the context where I applied the word "criminals".
ReplyDeleteGreg left the beginning off because he wants you to think I was only talking about him and Curt Carnes when in fact my tirade was against ALL of the posts where I am libeled so frequently it's really hard to imagine anyone is THAT despicable and pathetic.
Here's the entire response " Sadly, the personal attacks on me continue with no basis is reality for their vicious and libelous accusations. Here's a sampling -
"given your vicious and personal attacks and unfounded smears being levelled against Mr. Gillette"
Everything I've written about Greg is the complete truth which is easy to see because those who come here to malign me can't actually state what I said that was incorrect, so all they do is offer a wave of the hand and dismiss it all - WITH NO PROOF WHATSOEVER!
Greg Gillette is a confirmed liar and supporter of the political group that is guilty of a massive campaign of voter fraud here in Hillsborough.
Another lie - "there were NO towns where the taxes went down after switching to a Mayor Elect form of government - NONE!!! But you won’t hear that from Glenn. "
This has been discussed MANY times, including right here in response to the numerous false claims provided courtesy of the local political party in power. THe simple truth is that Rutgers conducted a study of EVERY town that changed govt from the date of the Faulkner Act, to the date of the study in the 1960's. What they found in that study of 31 towns is very interesting. They found that taxes and spending GO DOWN surrounding a change in govt and thereafter, taxes go up LESS QUICKLY than they did before!!!
More data on taxes - we heard testimony from many sources, all unbiased and expert, who told us that Mayor-Council form is MUCH more efficient. Therefore, it is easy to understand why taxes and spending are LESS with a MORE EFFICIENT form of govt.
More lies - "But if any of those views are against the beliefs of Glen Van Lier, watch out, he will attempt to rip your reputation to shreds by fabrication stories and twisting every single word you say"
Of course I challenge these criminals every time to put up the facts to support their claims - and guess what? They NEVER do! So, is there ANY evidence to support such a nasty and despicable accusation? Bet we won't find ANY facts to support this!
However, what I've stated is 100% accurate as always!
Did Greg Gillette lie to the public repeatedly and did he agree 100% with the political group that conducted massive voter fraud? Yes! Did Curt Carnes similarly fight any possible change in govt BEFORE any facts were in and so support the voter fraud? Yes! He also committed other sins as I detailed.
Of course in an intelligent debate, people SHOULD stick to the facts. In this case, these criminals have no facts to support their claims so all they do is lie more and more and more!"
More response to Mr. Gillette - it seems apparent Greg, that you cannot argue my simple and clear accusations -
ReplyDelete1. Did Greg Gillette lie to the public repeatedly and did he agree 100% with the political group that conducted massive voter fraud?
You call me a liar yet you have provided NO FACTS, except where I attached the label of LIAR to you with many good and factual references for which you have no response.
In the case of this last item, very clearly I did not refer to you specifically as a criminal. but was referring to all of those who lie about me every day in a coordinated campaign of hate and intentional libel, that is actionable in court. It is criminal as far as I'm concerned to actively work for, or to even aid and abet a massive campaign of vter fraud, and I have proven beyond ANY shadow of doubt, that that is preceisely what you did Greg!
So to clear the air - is Greg Gillette or is Curt Carnes guilty of a known crime as in a felony or misdemeanor listed as techical crimes? Not as far as I know. However, both of these individuals are guilty beyond any reasonable doubt of aiding and abetting a massive case of voter fraud where so many lies were published and presented to the voters on a very important issue that to ME, it's a crime against humanity to steal the votes of good people because you have some hidden agenda that is to help your political pals.
Greg Gillette has reacted EXACTLY as I predicted! He has not provided a single response to the many facts I've listed that shows he is guilty of precisely what I said he was!
ReplyDeleteGreg tries to claim I erroneously said he was a criminal because of his NJ ELEC reports, or lack thereof - but does he provide ANY proof whatsoever? No - as usual!
So Greg - what did I write about your Election Law Enforcement Commission violations that isn't true - that is NOT a lie as I said it was?????
Is it appropriate to consider that it's a crime for any one, or any group of people to steal an election from the voters by lying to them repeatedly? I think so! And therefore anyone who engages in or who supports such a campaign of voter fraud is similarly guilty of the crime, and so a criminal.
Anyone who goes onto an anonymous forum to repeatedly lie about and libel any individual, is guilty of a crime against that person by intentionally and knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to "kill the messenger" - all for political ends!
So we're back to the questions that you REFUSE to answer because you KNOW it proves my point!!!
1. Did you fully support the Hillsborough Republican Party and their effort to negate any change in government?
2. Did you correct ANY of the numerous lies from the Hillsborough Republican Party in their massive campaign of fraud against the voters of Hillsborough?
3. Did you not only NOT uncover the LIE from our elected officials when they called the 2007 tax increase only 1.4% when it was in fact 10.7%?
4. Did you not ALSO try to claim that it was BETTER to use the INACCURATE 1.4% number as a measure of the municipal tax increase, when it was, in fact, a LIE?
5. Did you include the INACCURATE 39% tax increase figure in one of your blogs when in fact you KNEW that the number was INACCURATE and a LIE promoted by the Hillsborough Republican Party in their massive campaign to defraud the voters of Hillsborough?
6. Did you CORRECT the LIES of RALG and the Republican Party of Hillsborough when they tried to portray the Beacon Editor's conclusion about the change of government as "no need for change" when in truth, the editor argued quite clearly that there were MULTIPLE and COMPELLING reasons to change the form of government?
I guess the overall impression can be applied here, and I know you won't respond to individual points because you seem unwilling or unable to do so - you made no attempt to disseminate the huge volume of facts and excellent reasoning by the Charter Study Commission that concluded Hillsborough would benefit from a change in government!
Instead, you fully supported, in fact you aided and abetted those who lied to the voters repeatedly about this very important issue!
Is this true or not, and if you say it isn't, if you want ANYONE to beleive you Greg, then you MUST tell us why!?
Unless you can shed any other facts or logic on this, everything I've stated is 100% accurate. You claim I lied, that I am a liar - but you have provided no proof nor any logic whatsoever, except the possible parsing of the word criminal! So I have illuminated MY use of the term criminal and you may now provide whatever argument you wish.
Mr Gillette - are you SURE you want me to detail the NJ ELEC violations for the public to see first hand?
ReplyDeleteRecently I provided one small piece of the issue here - and that is, business owners were invited to not only contribute to the campaign, but that amounts over $300 should be sent in to a PERSONAL campaign fund account, separate from the main, joint account of Greg and his running mates?!
Hmmm. Why do that? Why ask people to send any amount over $300 to a different account???
Greg - perhaps you can answer THAT question before I offer my opinion! I will allow you time to provide YOUR explanation.
Oh one more thing Greg - I detailed a list of YOUR false accusations and asked for an apology, but you failed, again, to respond in ANY detail to the many facts I provided!
That’s Easy
ReplyDeleteContributions over $300.00 MUST BE REPORTED! Seems to me that Greg was just setting up a simple accounting procedure so he could accurately report donations as required by law. Which by the way, he did!
If you think what he did was not in line with NJElec laws file a complaint with them, otherwise, frankly, no one cares what your opinion on the subject it!
There is only one word which can be appropriately used to characterize Glenn Van Lier's comments these past few days on this blog - BULLY.
ReplyDeleteIt's disgusting to see a supposedly grown man regularly behave in such a vile and vulgar manner. What kind of example do you feel that you are setting for the young people who visit these blogs? Read the Beacon? Wander into the forums? Are you that self-absorbed that you have lost all sense of reality as to how POORLY and OBSESSED it portrays you in this town as you continually verbally attack the residents of Hillsborough? I wonder if you even know that you're a BULLY.
For those readers who too have had the misfortune of a BULLY in their life, such as I did in high school, Carpe Diem; seize the day!
Ladies & Gentlemen – may I introduce to you…"Glenn Van Lier the Serial Bully"
I thought long and hard ever since I saw the first posting (or ranting to be more descript). It's unfair and unjust to continually badger people. I've lived here for 8 years and the past 4 years have been filled with Beacon editorials which infuriate, forum postings which turn my stomach and now these blog postings which have sent me over the edge.
I did some "Google" searches initially because I too like to research before I provide responses. So, I visited This website has a mass of information pertaining to the various types of bullies. But essentially a SERIAL BULLY seethes with resentment, irritated by others' failure to fulfill his or her superior sense of entitlement, and fuelled by anger resulting from rejection, the serial bully displays an obsessive, compulsive and self-gratifying urge to displace their uncontrolled aggression onto others whilst exhibiting an apparent lack of insight into their behavior and its effect on people around them. Jealousy and envy motivate the bully to identify a competent and popular individual who is then controlled and subjugated through projection of the bully's own inadequacy and incompetence. When the target asserts their right not to be bullied, a paranoid fear of exposure compels the bully to perceive that person as a threat and hence neutralize and dispose of them as quickly as possible. Once a person has been eliminated there's an interval of between 2 days and 2 weeks before the bully chooses another target and the cycle starts again.
Gregg, it's unfortunate, but sadly it is true. You were the next in line for the verbal attack. You see, our SERIAL BULLY Glenn, already attacked Mayor Anthony Ferrera on April 2nd in the Beacon. He's been repeatedly tongue lashing him for years ever since Glenn was ousted by the voters of Hillsborough Township. So, taking into account the interval of verbal attacks against Mayor Anthony Ferrera and now you, it's "classic textbook" for a SERIAL BULLY.
Here is some more information on what it means to be a SERIAL BULLY...When called to account for the way they have chosen to behave, the bully instinctively exhibits this recognizable behavioral response:
a) Denial: the bully denies everything.
b) Retaliation: the bully counterattacks. The bully quickly and seamlessly follows the denial with an aggressive counter-attack of counter-criticism or counter-allegation, often based on distortion or fabrication. Lying, deception, duplicity, hypocrisy and blame are the hallmarks of this stage. Often the target is tempted - or coerced - into giving another long explanation to prove the bully's allegation false; by the time the explanation is complete, everybody has forgotten the original question.
Both a) and b) are delivered with aggression in the guise of assertiveness; in fact there is no assertiveness (which is about recognizing and respecting the rights of oneself and others) at all. Note that explanation - of the original question - is conspicuous by its absence.
c) Feigning victim hood: in the unlikely event of denial and counter-attack being insufficient, the bully feigns victim hood or feigns persecution by manipulating people through their emotions, especially guilt. Tactics include manipulating people's perceptions to portray themselves as the injured party and the target as the villain of the piece.
Now, with all of this information being stated, make no mistake. I will no longer sit back and allow you to continue to post to these blogs, forums or newspapers without making sure that EVERYONE knows that you're a SERIAL BULLY.
And do you want to know something else, Glenn Van Lier?
You nailed it grassroots. Nice job. Glenn has serious psychological issues which motivate his tirades. Fortunately the people of Hillsborough are smart enough to see his tantrums for what they are and ignore him like a spoiled child.
ReplyDeleteI anyways though
ReplyDeleteHe was more of a "Histrionic Personality"
Meaning: “People with this disorder are usually able to function at a high level and can be successful socially and at work. People with histrionic personality disorder usually have good social skills - but they tend use these skills to manipulate other people and become the center of attention. Furthermore, histrionic personality disorder may affect a person's social or romantic relationships or their ability to cope with losses or failures. People with this disorder may seek treatment for depression when romantic relationships end, although this is by no means a feature exclusive to this disorder. They often fail to see their own personal situation realistically, instead tending to dramatize and exaggerate their difficulties. Responsibility for failure or disappointment is usually blamed on others. They may go through frequent job changes, as they become easily bored and have trouble dealing with frustration. Because they tend to crave novelty and excitement, they may place themselves in risky situations. All of these factors may lead to greater risk of developing depression.”
Of course one can be a Serial Bully with a "Histrionic Personality," now can't one?
Note to Grassroots
ReplyDeleteMr. van Lier has shown clear cut resentment to many more people than just Mayor Ferrera and Greg Gillette, and like your posts points out all of these people (perhaps as many as three dozen) are competent and or popular people. People who have worked hard to establish a reputation in this community as doers, mindful, caring, understanding and many other positive traits. Many of them because of their hard work have also generated a healthy financial situation for themselves and their family.
Just thought I pass that on to you Grassroots! I’d provide you a list of the people he’s attacked, but as he declares many times; That list would be bigger than this blog can accept.
Those of you who actually take the time to read the comments here and in other forum spaces, most likely also read the newspapers. That means you actually know what's REALLY going versus the nonsense that far too many people will believe because they DON'T read newspapers and so don't know the facts.
ReplyDeleteSo let's look critically at the facts!
Notice - grassroots uses a fake name which means we can't determine that person's possible conflicts of interest or if in fact, grassroots is one of the policially motivated voter-abuser himself or herself.
Did grassroots offer ANY evidence that my facts and accusations are incorrect - in ANY way, at ANY level??? NO! Hmmm. That can ONLY mean one thing - I'm telling the truth and THEY don't want the Truth getting out into the public.
The post from Grassroots has all sorts of accusations and explanations but there is an interesting and unavoidable conclusion!
Grassroots cannot actually state the facts that leads the reader to conclude I am a bully!!!??? There is only a lengthy attempt to get the reader NOT to understand facts, NOT to come to their OWN conclusion based upon facts, but Grassroots has provided a conclusion - with no facts whatsoever to base it on!
THAT is a fact!
Of course, Grassroots had to twist a few facts around and had to primarily IGNORE the true facts, in order to make the serious and malicious accusation that I am a serial bully.
It's merely yet another vain and pathetic attempt to silence the person who is publishing THE Truth about the unethical, dishonest and even illegal activities of our elected officials and their political cronies!
We'll get to facts in another comment.
Basically, unless grassroots can dispute the LONG list of facts and accusations proving beyond any shadow of doubt that I am totally accurate in my letters and posts, then I am most certainly NOT a serial bully but a serially honest person who is actually FIGHTING the bullies in political power who lard their power and wishes over the good people of Hillsborough!
Quick response to the factually defective post by 08844 who continues to provide inaccurate information - the ONLY reason to tell businesses to send checks over $300 to separate accounts is to prevent the required specific listing of that business or individual. The totals must ALL be reported but once you go above $300, that individual must be specifically identified in reports.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line here is this, ALL monies collected in a campaign MUST be recorded, period! The only question is, which ones must be REPORTED! Therefore, the only real reason to use separate campaign accounts would be to try to HIDE contribution information from the public.
IF Greg Gillette and his running mates didn't have anything to hide, then they would provide full disclosure of their campaign information and they would NOT have set up separate accounts to funnel money in a way that avoids public reporting at NJ ELEC limits as detailed.
There are other NJ ELEC violations but I don't have the time or inclination to detail them now. If challenged, as I always do, ALL details can and will be provided.
Now let's take an objective and critical look at the response by Grassroots! The overview is that grassroots falsely calls me a serial bully and provides a lengthy description of a serial bully. The problem here in general is the hypocrisy of grassroots!
ReplyDeleteHypocrisy is fully evident in that - grassroots is generally lying to the public and acting The Bully by forcing false information and an intentionally false conclusion upon unsuspecting readers, while every thing I've stated and concluded can only be reasonably described as factual - and THAT is not bullying!!!
Bullies act in their own self-interest to benefit themselves or to force their personal values or problems on others.
Grassroots is the bully here - offering a false picture to "kill the messenger" (that's ME!) to cover up for the lies and unethical behavior of our elected officials and their political pals!
Grassroots cleverly twists the facts to make the case and so we KNOW this person is lying - anyone who is clever enough to TWIST the facts around, who alters reality as Grassroots does, isn't just IGNORANT but is malicious, evil, and is intentionally libeling me which is actionable in a court of law.
IF Grassroots believes he is accurate and has the strength of his convictions, he would use his real name like I do so THE PUBLIC can know if this is just another political trick as Anthony Ferrera, Carl Suraci and their cronies have foisted upon Hillsborough for several years now!
What false picture does Grassroots create???? That I am attacking residents of Hillsborough in general, that I am acting in a vile and vulgar manner, that I am obsessed with people and that I have personal reasons for these actions - even going so far as to make the ridiculous claim that I have a grudge!!!
This is all utter nonsense. You can tell it's nonsense easily. Want to know how???
There are no facts, no logical constructions and not one shred of TRUTH in ANY of grassroots' post!!!
It's so sad that I have to defend myself against people whoa re this despicable, this diseased, this full of hate that they have to make up all of this garbage just to protect their political pals who are bullying the voters in this town every day with their lies and abuse of trust.
Finally, here is the detailed piece-by-piece and itemized response where the smoke and mirrors posted by the politicians of Hillsborough is readily disassembled and shown for the nonsense it truly is! Sadly, you'll see for yourself this is done very easily.
ReplyDeleteLIE #1 - "It's disgusting to see a supposedly grown man regularly behave in such a vile and vulgar manner. What kind of example do you feel that you are setting for the young people who visit these blogs? Read the Beacon? Wander into the forums?"
See the clever and intentionally damaging emotional component, but with no facts in support? Calls me vile and vulgar (no facts provided) and invokes the emotional issue of the poor children who might read my letters and posts!
Here are the facts though! ALL of my letters and posts are 100% accurate and they identify those who are wasting taxpayers' money, elected officials who are truly lying to the voters and the political group who have actually conducted massive voter fraud.
Since this person agrees there is negative content, then this writer is actually agreeing that the violations of ethics and morality and trust by our elected officials is VILE AND VULGAR, but wishes to transfer accountability to ME and NOT to those who are responsible for the truly vile and vulgar actions! I am merely telling the TRUTH and IF that truth is vile or vulgar, then obviously whatever was done, by our elected officials, that constitutes a vile and vulgar action, should be held up to THOSE WHO ARE GUILTY!
But this Grassroots person is covering for his political pals and so is trying to hold ME responsible for the vile and vulgar actions of HIS pals.
They have no facts to dispute what I say, so all they can do is attack me personally!
Why shouldn't young children read an accurate desription of how the elected officials lied about the last municipal tax increase? It's only vile and vulgar that we have elected officials like Anthony Ferrera who are such lowlifes that they would do that! It is a GREAT opportunity for parents to read my letters to their kids so they know that We, the People can and SHOULD make an effort to ensure honest and ethical conduct by our elected officials.
So far the ONLY bully here is Grassroots who is lying and trying to libel me, to force his sick opinion down the throats of our friends and neighbors in Hillsborough.
LIE #2 - ". . . as you continually verbally attack the residents of Hillsborough? I wonder if you even know that you're a BULLY."
Clever again in that Grassroots is applying the name BULLY repeatedly so as to shove that word into the minds of the reader - although it has no basis in reality! The quick and simple falsehood here is that grassroots twists facts to TRY to claim I am attacking residents of Hillsborough - when specifically and clearly I am only telling The Truth about the lying, dishonest and unethical people in political and elected power in Hillsborough who have committed NUMEROUS violations against the good people here.
Takes too much time and space to rebut the many false claims and despicable accusations of people like Grassroots but you see the picture.
IN the end, we're left with simple truths.
Our elected officials the their political pals repeatedly LIED to the public, they will do and say ANYTHING to cover their "vile and vulgar" actions. NO amount of smoke and mirrors can EVER distract the voters from the simple facts that they've been lied to repeatedly, that our own elected officials stole two election issues of great importance through massive voter fraud, and taxpayers' money is routinely wasted in exchange for sizable campaign contributions.
One last very clear look into the disgusting and sick hate-mongering mind of the people who come here to cover for their political cronies - here's what was written . . .
ReplyDelete"You see, our SERIAL BULLY Glenn, already attacked Mayor Anthony Ferrera on April 2nd in the Beacon. He's been repeatedly tongue lashing him for years ever since Glenn was ousted by the voters of Hillsborough Township. So, taking into account the interval of verbal attacks against Mayor Anthony Ferrera and now you, it's "classic textbook" for a SERIAL BULLY."
Overall, notice their are no facts. There is only the clever and sick attempt to have you readers forced (bullied in fact) into believing something that cannot be shown with facts and logic - that I am a Serial Bully. But this criminal makes the accusation not once, but twice!
In politics, if you call someone a name 8 times, the average voter who doesn't know the Truth will believe it! That's what this person is doing - using bullying tactics and advanced political manipulation to get readers to believe what is indeed false!
First - I wasn't ousted by the people of Hillsborough - the entire Republican Party slate was abandoned by the voters NOT because of anything I did, and let's remember I didn't even want to run again! Therefore, to evam remotely claim I'm upset with that loss is utterly false, nasty and ignorant. Just another bullying tactic from teh Kings of Bullying!
Next, the claim is that I started harassing or "tongue lashing" Anthony Ferrera right after I left office because I was upset???!!! Completely FALSE!
Grassroots - when you totally FAIL to provide ANY proof in the form of ltters to the editor or evidence of where I did as you say, EVERYONE will know you are lying. But you'll just make up another fake name and go on making up nasty false claims won't you????? You are truly a sick and disturbed and despicable person.
I have NOTHING to gain from telling The Truth about the dishonest and unethical activities of Anthony Ferrera, Carl Suraci and their political pals. I am not involved with ANY political organization and I will NEVER run for ANY permanent, paid, political office. Therefore, my ONLY motivation is to make my community better by telling the voters how they are being manipulated by ruthless, dictatorial, and dishonest people.
Full Discloser?
ReplyDeleteOh that’s rich. Why don’t we start with your discloser of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were donated to CCG, for the express propose of toppling the Republican Government of Hillsborough and NOT as people were lead to beleive to create a better government
It's pitiful to have to respond to this nonsense - but just to make sure no innocent reader is misled by the politically motivated hate-speeches -
ReplyDelete08844 writes -"Oh that’s rich. Why don’t we start with your discloser of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were donated to CCG, for the express propose of toppling the Republican Government of Hillsborough and NOT as people were lead to beleive to create a better government"
So, in the first place, there can be no rebuttal to my posts since everything I've written is 100% accurate. Therefore, 08844 now wants to make yet another false and nasty accusation!?
This completely false accusation, that hundreds of thousands of dollars were donated to CCG to topple the government, is so utterly ridiculous, it's pitiful!
CCG was made up of 3 Republicans, 1 Deomcrat and 1 Independent, to put together a proposed form of government that would be better for Hillsborough. We did that! In fact, we were SO effective that the local GOP ignored us because they didn't think we could get enough signatures! When they heard we had over 3,000 signatures, they went totally NUTS and rushed a public meeting on a night they don't normally hold their meetings????
The CCG effort represents the LARGEST grassroots effort in the history of Hillsborough! The ballot question failed by a very small percentage and the elected officials were shown to be incompetent and unethical in the process as CCG mounted a legal effort that PROVED the GOP held an illegal meeting and wasted over $40,000 of taxpayers' money fighting state law and the clear, powerful opinions of two courts!!!!
Finally, CCG ran this effort completely on voluntary effort and with minimal cost. CCG was right out front saying that the legal work was done with the help of the Hillsborough Democrat Party, and so was the effort to obtain signatures greatly assisted by the Dem Party.
There is absolutely NO truth even remotely that CCG was formed to do anything but to make Hillsborough better, or that we/they received the money as was falsely claimed.
You want facts....Okay…you'll get some facts to support the diagnosis = "GLENN VAN LIER --- AKA - THE SERIAL BULLY".
a) Denial: the bully denies everything.
Well, any reader can clearly see that "YOU" never do anything wrong. You find fault with everyone else in this town. Democrats, Republicans, cats, dogs, little old ladies who cross the street and make you stop for traffic, etc. I know that Jesus walked on water but I thought it sort of ended there years ago.
Glenn, why don’t you do everyone a HUGE favor and accept the fact that NOBODY wants to listen to the stuff that spews from your mouth? You may have a few pals who sit there, pat you on the back and build you up to think that "you're doing the right thing”. Well, newsflash….you're not. So, if you want to continue to be the laughing stock of this town, just continue to behave in this manner and your self-fulfilling prophecy is well on its course.
It's almost unbelievable to think that a human being could be so incredibly unkind to so many individuals. There's this book called THE BIBLE and it contains all kinds of wonderful information such as “treat others the way you wish to be treated, love thy neighbor”, etc. I'm not a religious renegade but I know what is fair and what is UNFAIR and you my neighbor are certainly NOT FAIR.
Furthermore, honestly, who nominated YOU as the TOWNSHIP WATCHDOG? I hope you know that it’s now earned you the distinct title of “SERIAL BULLY”.
b) Retaliation: the bully counterattacks. The bully quickly and seamlessly follows the denial with an aggressive counter-attack of counter-criticism or counter-allegation, often based on distortion or fabrication.
Oh my my....Has anyone counted the number of verbal attacks on this blog alone? (Not counting the written editorials in the Hillsborough Beacon which are also trackable. However, I don’t have the luxury of time which apparently our resident SERIAL BULLY has on his hands.)
Well, I saved everyone the trouble of having to scroll through this hodge podge of boo hoo's and poor me's. 16 disturbing messages were posted by Glenn Van Lier.
April 9th - 10:45 AM
April 11th - 3:21 PM
April 11th - 3:45 PM
April 11th - 3:50 PM
April 11th - 3:58 PM
April 11th - 4:06 PM
April 11th - 5:47 PM
April 11th - 5:57 PM
April 11th - 6:59 PM
April 11th - 7:04 PM
April 14th - 8:58 AM
April 14th - 9:07 AM
April 14th - 9:22 AM
April 14th - 9:46 AM
April 14th - 9:59 AM
April 14th - 11:04 AM
Question: Does a mentally stable individual act in this manner? NO
Question: Does an individual who needs some mental help behave in this manner? YES
Carrier Clinic is only a stone's throw from Hillsborough. We also have a multitude of wonderful therapists in the area who you can speak with to help with your BULLY tendencies. However, it’s highly recommended that you speak to someone about all of your aggressions because it is by far NOT NORMAL to respond to people in this manner. It is by far NOT NORMAL to have this many grudges against individuals. It is by far NOT NORMAL to think that you can treat others this unkindly and get away with it.
Freedom of Speech. Yes, we have this luxury in our country; however, there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between “stating your concerns” on a particular issue and what you’ve become which is an OBSESSED, UNBALANCED SERIAL BULLY with hatred and unkindness toward others who volunteer their time to make this town a better place.
Who are YOU to judge others?
It's just so predictable! Just another in a long line of hate-mail aimed at me because why???
ReplyDeleteBecause I choose to tell the truth?
This grassroots is actually demonstrating to us all, exactly what a bully does!
A person such as myself, respects the people who provide comments, by responding to the key issues and facts raised by that person.
A bully ignores the responses and any content, and just keeps hammering away like a little dictator!
Grassroots didn't respond to ANY of the clear fallacies, errors or lies he made. And he just goes off on another rant to proclaim what I had just proved is completely inaccurate?!
Just a couple of reminders,
Grassroots said I was ousted from office when the more accurate statement would be to say I was voted out when the town took its vengeance out on the Republican Party!
Grassroots says I am attacking the residents of Hillsborough?! But I'm only pointing out with perfect accuracy those who aided and abetted the politicians who have lied repeatedly to the voters, and NOT residents in general.
Grassroots said I started tongue-lashing Abthony Ferrera right after leaving office and that is simply not true - not even remotely!
Grassroots hasn't pointed out ANYTHING I've ever stated that was not true, so it must be that grassroots doesn't want the TRUTH to be published???!!!
Frankly, any casual reader can only conclude that Grassroots is demonstrating what the spewage of a real Serial Bully is like by posting Serial Bully garbage. ANd I would say he has succeeded since his posts are disgusting, totally one-sided, nasty and very personal.
Funny how NONE of these people EVER have ANY problem with the MANY lies of our elected officils, the illegal meeting that they held, the high tax increases (14.3% in 2005 and another 10.7% in 2007), the massive voter fraud, etc etc etc. Ah, probably just coincidence!
For Mr. van Lier and others who would like to know the truth, I will answer all of the questions posed above.
ReplyDelete1. Did you fully support the Hillsborough Republican Party and their effort to negate any change in government?
Answer: No, I did not. I did not attend one meeting, make one monetary conmtribution, put up one sign, or write one letter to the editor during last year's change of government campaign. I had my own reasons for not supporting change, almost none of which overlapped with the arguments of RALG or any other group. The one time on my blog where I alluded to their biggest argument, i.e. taxes, I commented on it by saying that it was part of a compelling "campaign" - I suppose just like "now or never" was part of a compelling campaign.
2. Did you correct ANY of the numerous lies from the Hillsborough Republican Party in their massive campaign of fraud against the voters of Hillsborough?
Answer: The entire premise of this question is suspect. I do not believe there was a "massive campaign of fraud". Furthermore, no one appointed me the watchdog of political campaigns in Hillsborough - it is not my responsibility to point out supposed lies or anything else.
3. Did you not only NOT uncover the LIE from our elected officials when they called the 2007 tax increase only 1.4% when it was in fact 10.7%?
Answer: I was responding directly to Mr. van Lier's letter to the editor where he threw out the number "1.4%" in such a way as to make it seem like it was a lie totally made up by the Hillsborough Township Committee. That number did not come out of thin air, but in actuality represents the amount overall property taxes were increased when the TC raised their portion by 10.7%. This is a useful number, which allows a taxpayer to quickly determine, in dollars and cents, what the actual tax increase would mean to them - and something Mr. van Lier never mentioned in his letter to the editor.
4. Did you not ALSO try to claim that it was BETTER to use the INACCURATE 1.4% number as a measure of the municipal tax increase, when it was, in fact, a LIE?
Answer: Again, I reject the premise of this question, because the 1.4% number is completely accurate if an explanation is given to how it was derived. It did not serve Mr. van Lier's purpose for him to give an explanation in his letter to the editor - but I was happy to explain it here, and explain why it is a useful, possibly the most useful, number. Others may have a different opinion.
5. Did you include the INACCURATE 39% tax increase figure in one of your blogs when in fact you KNEW that the number was INACCURATE and a LIE promoted by the Hillsborough Republican Party in their massive campaign to defraud the voters of Hillsborough?
Answer: The 39% number was NOT innacurate. Was the WHOLE 39% tax increase in Jackson due to the change to Mayor-Council? No. Was part of it? I don't know. Did taxes go up in Jackson irrespective of the change of government? Perhaps. Are there towns where taxes went down BECAUSE of the change of government? I don't know of any in the last 40 years. Are there towns where taxes ACCIDENTALLY went down after a change in government (the opposite of the claim that taxes went up in Jackson, but not due to change in government)? I don't know of any, but would like to hear about some.
6. Did you CORRECT the LIES of RALG and the Republican Party of Hillsborough when they tried to portray the Beacon Editor's conclusion about the change of government as "no need for change" when in truth, the editor argued quite clearly that there were MULTIPLE and COMPELLING reasons to change the form of government?
Answer: I wrote briefly about the Beacon editorial. It seemed very odd to me that the Beacon editor would write that there was "no overwhelming need for change", but then conclude that we SHOULD change. What was it? Lots of teeny-tiny needs? I don't get it. And, once again, it wasn't my job to correct any perceived "lies". It is the job of the opposite campaign to point that out. I was not particpating in either campaign!
Now I have answered truthfully and thoroughly all of the questions posed by Mr. van Lier. I will consider any further badgering on this topic to be harassment.
Now we see a very clear glimpse into Greg Gillette's true nature - he deleted my responses to his tirade.
ReplyDeleteYes ladies and gentlemen - Greg refuses to allow any rebuttal of the false and disingenuous information he included in his last post! I answered with details proving that Greg was neither thorough nor accurate in his response - so he deleted my posts!!!??? This is so dictatorial and such a clear reinforcement of that aspect of Mr Gillette that I have suggested based upon his total failure to discuss and to debate issues clearly and with facts.
Until and unless Greg shows me why he is deleting my responses, I will maintain a copy and will keep reposting them here. It isn't remotely harassment when I show very clearly that Greg is not being accurate, that he is avoiding the facts instead of discussing them, when I detail how he is switching the topic instead of responding fully to the facts!
Of course if Greg chooses to NOT allow responses then he will easily and qquickly be shown, IN PUBLIC, for what he is - a person who refuses to accept factual, credible, reasonable rebuttal!
"1. Did you fully support the Hillsborough Republican Party and their effort to negate any change in government?
Greg's Answer: No, I did not."
Greg changes the subject here to make a vacuous claim about not putting up signs or attending GOP meetings, but he has avoided to clearly critical core of the accusation.
The simple answer is - YES, Greg's blog entries ALL supported the Hillsborough Republican Party's dishonest, unethical and immoral effort to kill any possible change of government!
IF you don't think this is true Greg, tell us what blog entries of yours do NOT support the GOP agenda to kill the change!!!
HE can't and he won't. It doesn't exist but to save his reputation he argues innanely and supplies facts that have no bearing on the discussion! That's Greg!
Next "2. Did you correct ANY of the numerous lies from the Hillsborough Republican Party in their massive campaign of fraud against the voters of Hillsborough?
Answer: The entire premise of this question is suspect. I do not believe there was a "massive campaign of fraud". Furthermore, no one appointed me the watchdog of political campaigns in Hillsborough - it is not my responsibility to point out supposed lies or anything else."
So at the end he claims he is not responsible for pointing out any lies. Again he wishes to change the focus from the key fact that he didn't point out the lies - the numerous lies!
I don't care if he thinks he is reposnible or not! My point here is that he had the abillity and power via his blog to help our voters to understand THE FACTS about a critical issue. Greg totally failed to correct the MANY lies of the local GOP.
This is a very powerful platform that adds to my claim that Greg fully supported the local GOP in their effort to kill any change in govt and that he was biased - terribly so!
Now, what about Greg claiming there was no massive campaign of fraud or long list of lies by the local GOP / RALG???
A. RALG/GOP claimed Jackson Twp's tax increase of 39% was due to the change in govt. We know for a fact that it wasn't and in fact, this was revealed during a CSC meeting that Greg was fully aware of (possibly even attended it!).
B. RALG/GOP misled voters by suggesting that the Beacon editor concluded that there was no reason to change because there was nothing really wrong?! Yet the truth is that the Beacon editor had very good reasons for telling voters that they should Vote YES!
Therefore - the GOP/Ralg lied, again!
C. RALG/GOP claimed that Rutgers Data shows taxes go UP after govt change. We know this is totally false, an obvious and damaging LIE! The only Rutgers research and Rutgers data we know of says VERY CLEARLY that taxes most often go DOWN surrounding a change in govt!!!
Greg again, did NOT dispel that lie and while he ahd the power via his blog to help our voters to know The TRUTH, he didn't do anything, as with the first two LIES.
D. Our own mayor, Anthony Ferrera lied by telling the Senior Citizens of Hillsborough that the new Senior Center project could be termianted if the change of govt was voted in. However, since that project was fuully expected to be completed BEFORE the end of 2008, any change of govt could NOT possibly stop the project?!
Ferrera LIED and Greg said nothing via his blog.
I agree he isn't responsible for being the watchdog - but what does it say that on such a critical issue as change of government, there were MANY lies told by a group Greg is affiliated with, who gave him a political appointment, and Greg did NOTHING to undo the lies and to help our voters to know The TRUTH!
I have little stomach for going through the rest of Greg's worthless post since it takes a lot of explaining to detail the facts, what I said previously and why Greg's latest words are either misleading or are downright inaccurate.
As usual, if Greg or anyone else believed I am not being truthful, please feel free to point out the errors if any and copy and paste as I do to clearly say WHY!
Debate and discussion is what we do here in a Democracy! In dictatorships, they refuse to allow ANY thoughts or comments that don't align perfectly with their limited view that suits their political or personal agenda. If Greg deletes this, which he did yesterday, we will know he does NOT believe in Democracy and respectful debate.
In fact, look at the first response I made to Greg initial post "200 Reasons the Keep Writing". I wrote "Since I am the person who has provided most if not all of the criticism of your posts here and in other places, like in the Hillsborough Beacon forum, it is imperative that your false statements here be corrected - yet again! You have this terrible habit of saying things that are not true, of "packaging" comments outside of appropriate context.
You seem to be very much against the ability of anyone to challenge what you write, even if the comments are perfectly factual, logical and well-deserved. You eventually stoop to name-calling when you cannot provide facts to support your opinions. This is all from recent history."
Greg has proven this to be incredibly accurate in just about every response as any reasonable reader must agree and admit.
It would be harassment Greg, if I was excoriating your views without limitation, or attacking you without providing details to support my statements, or even if I was responding venomously to your unrelated posts like those about historical items or about yourself - but I haven't done ANY of that have I??? Nope.
This is entirely a response to what you have written and it is factual, reasonable and compelling. Perhaps you have been unwittingly coerced into supporting those who manipulated the voters of Hillsborough, but no matter. The fact that you supported the lies by the local GOP and had ample opportunity to tell the truth, says it all. We'll just have to agree on that simple truth!
Are you kidding me? I refuse to allow any rebuttal? You've written more on my blog than I have! Anyone can see that I have bent over backwards to accomodate your rants.
ReplyDelete1. I wrote extensively about issues such as separation of powers, checks and balances, etc - which the RALG did not care one bit about. I did not write at all about tax impacts, which was not important to me - and that was the RALG's major issue. That is all factual and provable. The fact that I do not know anything about that group or have any involvement with them is in addition to these facts.
Look Glenn - it's clear to me that you think you have knowledge of what is in my head and what is in my heart. The fact is that you don't. You have set up a false idea that I have been in league with the GOP and worked in concert with them on the CSC and other issues. You have let some circumstantial evidence lead you to this conclusion. But I am here as an EYEWITNESS to tell you that you are wrong.
Your accusations are false. I have responded truthfully. I don't know anything about the RALG, so can't answer for them. I know a lot about Jackson Township, and my views on the tax increase there are my own and have nothing to do with RALG.
Now I will say some things that I haven't said before. Things that I have held back because of my respect for Chris Jensen.
Your CSC study was fatally flawed. The basic question of the study was whether Hillsborough should change governments or remain as a Township Committee. To this end, you interviewed officials from different government forms in various towns. But the town you chose to represent Township Committee was Hillsborough! Of course their answers will be perceived as biased! Of course this allowed you to discount all of their testimony! This was a huge flaw. You should have had a Township Committee from another town come in to talk about how their town was doing. Some witnesses that had no dog in this race.
Did you make this decision on purpose? Because you knew that you could throw out the testimony of our TC later? Or was it just an accident? Who knows?
Greg - we see more and more of your true nature coming out as youreact precisely as I predict - you avoid the facts, you change subjects and at the end you have not refuted anything I've said!
ReplyDeleteIt is a simple and irrefutable fact that your statements and claims in your blogs were completely supportive of the local GOP / RALG effort to NOT have any change of government!
IT is purely factual that the GOP /RALG lied repeatedly as I detailed - and it is also factual to say you had the opportunity to informt he voters about these lies, that you had the ability to correct the falsehoods placed in the voters' hands and heads by our own elected officials!
You had the ability and the knowledge - but you had no desire or wish to educate our voters and neighbors here in Hillsborough.
No matter how you fog and change subjects, this is my point, the point you keep avoiding. At the very least, you aided and abetted a group of people who manipulated the voters with an expensive campaign of lies and misleading information. It is my opinion that you are closer to these people than you will admit, but it is irrefutable fact that you at least helped their campaign by ignoring their lies in many instances and even by supporting their lies in other places.
So far, you have not shown anything I've written to be inaccurate but I've proven a great deal of what you've written is either smoke and mirrors or outright false information and attempts to change the subject!
As an example, here's what you wrote in this latest comment - "Your accusations are false. I have responded truthfully. I don't know anything about the RALG, so can't answer for them. I know a lot about Jackson Township, and my views on the tax increase there are my own and have nothing to do with RALG."
You haven't shown any of my accusations to be false Greg. If you have, please provide details - not mere assertions as you make here! Much more importantly, here you go changing the subject! It is a FACT that the local GOP / RALG lied in claiming Jackson Twp's tax increase of 39% was due to the change in govt. You know this quite clearly. You even say you know a lot about Jackson Twp, which actually makes you that much more guilty since you DID NOT uncover the LIE from our elected officials and their political group RALG.
What you do here is try to make it YOUR OPINION and to change the focus to whether you were working in concert with RALG!? Hey Greg - it is of NO consequence whether you were working hand-in-hand with RALG and the GOP or not! They lied and you not only didn't tell the voters/readers The Truth, you actually had the gall to SUPPORT this lie by reinforcing it's impact.
As usual, your opinions and statements were 100% aligned with the political group that abused the voters with malicious lies and deceptive literature!
If there is evidence to the contrary, please document this for us and I will gladly verify it and pat you on the back!
Now to your last point.
Greg Wrote - "Your CSC study was fatally flawed."
This is the first time anyone has made such an ignorant and misguided claim!!! Keep reading folks to see how incredibly ridiculous and frankly completely without merit, this claim truly is!
Greg goes on - ". . . the town you chose to represent Township Committee was Hillsborough! Of course their answers will be perceived as biased! Of course this allowed you to discount all of their testimony! This was a huge flaw."
First, the CSC did NOT discount "all of their testimony" as Greg tries to say. He is either being ignorant or is lying by making such a false claim. Next, we used the methodology provided by Rutgers Univ and the one person in New Jersey who has more knowledge and experience than anyone else in municipal government. Here's what Greg knows but has kept from the readers!
We not only interviewed current Township Committee, we also interviewed former TC officials. ALL of the testimony was balanced as well against what three members of CSC knew about TC form of government since two members are former TC members with one having served as Deputy Mayor and Mayor.
Here's the real kicker. Did you miss this Greg because you aren't a very bright person despite your attempts to claim you are, or are you aware of this but you decided to lie? No matter - same problem for you because you are WRONG!!!
We have a TREMENDOUS amount of information from other towns about what THEY consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the Township form of government!!!
Greg has claimed we only obtained that from our officials, but that is not true.
Using the Rutgers guidelines, CSC interviewed the local officials but we obtained considerable information from other towns via their Final Reports of their own CSC's!!!
Now, here's where it gets interesting!
THe final report of the CSC provided detailed explanation as to WHY they felt the Township form was WORSE than Mayor-COuncil. FOr a FACT - this list of strengths and weaknesses, as any intelligent person would realize to be a proper result, is almost identical to the lists concluded in other towns using Township Committee government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes my friends! The Hillsborough CSC found similar strengths and weaknesses in TC that just about every other town found!!!!
The Hillsborough CSC recommendation therefore is in agreement with the vast majority of the research and findings of similar investigations ALL ACROSS THE STATE!!!!!!!
What is NOT in agreement, is the ranting, rambling, false and often ridiculous but generally inaccurate and terribly biased comments and opinions of GReg Gillette and the Hillsborough Republican Party including our elected officials who repeatedly lied to the voters to steal the election so they can keep abusing our friends and neighbors!!!!
Greg - shame on you for misleading our residents with your false and misleading comments.
You should have had a Township Committee from another town come in to talk about how their town was doing. Some witnesses that had no dog in this race.
Did you make this decision on purpose? Because you knew that you could throw out the testimony of our TC later? Or was it just an accident? Who knows?
To Greg's last couple of items that I ignored in my last comments
ReplyDeleteGreg Wrote - "You should have had a Township Committee from another town come in to talk about how their town was doing. Some witnesses that had no dog in this race."
From my previous response, we know that Rutgers guidelines did not say this was a problem in any way AND we had a wealth of information on TC form of govt that apparently was very well researched and documented since it agrees with the overwhelming majority of towns across the state that went thru a CSC exercise!
Therefore Greg's comment here is ludicrous, baseless and either the result of ignorance or deception.
Greg ends his response with - "Did you make this decision on purpose? Because you knew that you could throw out the testimony of our TC later? Or was it just an accident? Who knows?"
Here we read Greg at his nasty, libelous and vicious best! He falsely claims we threw out testimony from our TC, and worse, he suggests that we did so ON PURPOSE!!!???
Greg - how could you possibly suggest that the CSC did anything other than to provide a balanced and unbiased study? Didn't we follow the guidelines of Rutgers Univ and the foremost expert on municipal govt in NJ? Didn't you and others have EVERY opportunity to address ANY issue of CSC business (except Gloria McCauley's Final Report because she kept ANY public from being able to comment on it!!!!).
Summary - the CSC findings on the current form of govt, TC, was excellent and in near total agreement with other towns that started with TC and went through a CSC exercise! There would have been no benefit to interviewing other TC town officials, except to waste CSC time and to prevent CSC from interviewing the towns with different, and BETTER, forms of government!!! Greg dances around it but refuses to agree that our own TC members, our elected officials, LIED to the voters, they made many comments that were incredibly biased and worthless and so had to be balanced against other information - all of which is in the Final Report or viewable in the CSC meeting videos.
Greg continues to search not for The TRUTH but for ways to cover up the lies and unethical behavior of our own elected officials and their political cronies.
There is absolutely no point in continuing this debate. Glenn simply does not believe that I am writing truthfully, and there is no way for me to convince him.
ReplyDeleteHis "facts" are in most cases merely judgements. I don't agree with many of these judgements.
So be it.
And to think - I voted several times for this guy - even voted for him for CSC - and he let me down by walking out of meetings, berating fellow residents, and acting like, well, like himself.
Yes, I am an ignorant fool!
One more thing.
ReplyDeleteIt is YOU who have danced around the issue - or maybe you didn't understand what I was suggesting.
I don't care about towns that went through the CSC process. Who cares? How about looking at a town with a good working Township Committee - that isn't interested in changing. Some witnesses who would not be perceived as biased. Some people who could tell us what makes TC a good form of government.
For all of your IQ and patents and all the rest of it, you couldn't see that out own TC would be perceived as biased? That's crazy.
I hate to have to make anyone look ignorant, but when they are lying to the people of this community, when they completely fail to take responsibility for their own actions, well I have to do what's necessary for the good of the community!
ReplyDeleteUnlike Greg, I will provide details to support what I am saying, and unlike Greg, it will all be totally accurate!
Greg writes - "There is absolutely no point in continuing this debate. Glenn simply does not believe that I am writing truthfully, and there is no way for me to convince him."
Greg, as I've pointed out in more than one response, you have yet again completely failed to address the many pertinent and salient points and comments I made. It's utterly fruitless to enter into a fdiscussion with you when you will NEVER respond in kind or to actual reality and facts.
You CLAIM there is no way to convince me, however you do not even TRY do you? Have you provided ANY reponse to what I wrote? No - not even an attempt! THerefore we can only conclude that I am totally accurate, that you have no response and cannot refute what I stated.
But here you are LYING to say that you ARE responding, that I am the one at fault for lack of debate effectiveness? It's truly sad to see someone THIS pathetic.
Greg writes - "His "facts" are in most cases merely judgements. I don't agree with many of these judgements."
Greg goes WAY over the line here. Again I ask - is Greg just too ignorant to be able to realize what he is saying is false, or is he intelligent and therefore must be lying since what he is saying is false???
So Greg - my Facts are merely Judgments????????????
You mean Anthony Ferrera did NOT tell the seniors that the new senior center could be cancelled, despite having proclaimed that it would be done in 2008 where it could not possibly be impacts by any change in govt???
No judgment Greg - puerly factual!
Did GOP/RALG LIE regarding Rutgers Data showing taxes would go UP, when it really tells us taxes could go DOWN????? Yes - they lied! No judgment. Pure fact! Irrefutable fact!
Did RALG/GOP tell the voters that taxes and spending would go UP if we changed govt form? YES - they said that MANY MANY times yet there is NO proof nor ANY convincing, compelling or otherwise factual basis for that claim. THEY LIED!
Actually, I'm repeating myself because unlike Greg, I've provided many many facts and details to support what I write. Greg on the other hand seems to be either incapable, or unwilling, to support his false claims.
This all leads one to a logical conclusion - Greg cannot be trusted to tell the Truth!
Greg REALLY lays a huge egg here - "And to think - I voted several times for this guy - even voted for him for CSC - "
While it's possible you voted for me back when I was supporting the local GOP, back when they were honest, I have no doubt that you did NOT vote for me for CSC! You were aligned with the GOP ticket from the start. You knew of my involvement with CCG. You were very friendly with one of the people who lied to and manipulated the voters in 2005 - so WHAT can you provide to show the casual reader here that you were supportive of my efforts and position in ANY WAY prior to CSC election???????????
Greg wants to apply facts out of context here when he says - ". . . and he let me down by walking out of meetings, berating fellow residents, and acting like, well, like himself."
I walked out of I think two meetings when the final report was being dictated instead of the result of a collaborative effort of the whole committee! Thankfully, we came back together and a lot of the nonsensical items in the report were deleted as I suggested. Why should I stay and work on a report that I would not sign or otherwise be a part of????? But Greg doesn't provide the details and NO ONE should be ashamed of my effort or work product in the CSC!
Note that Greg is NOT ashamed of Gloria McCauley although she did virtually NOTHING for the entire CSC investigation, she lied in her minority report in many places with such malicious and libelous language. it's pathetic. But Greg has no problem with THAT performance, right Greg?
Just another example of who Greg supports and who he doesn't although he tried to say he supported me at one time??? THat is very VERY hard to believe! I don't believe it for a second!
Greg keeps going - "Yes, I am an ignorant fool!"
We agree on at least one item!
Here's another thought, you arrogant ass -
ReplyDeletefollow this link
set yourself up
it only takes minutes
All the free speech you could ever want!
I truly can't believe somone, anyone, can be this dense, this nasty, and as anywhere near as pathetic as Greg is as he writes the following.
ReplyDeleteGreg - "It is YOU who have danced around the issue - or maybe you didn't understand what I was suggesting."
What we shall see in just a moment, Greg claims I have danced around the facts and the issues, yet everything I've stated remains intact.
That's right! Greg has not refuted a single thing I've said. All of my claims, accusations and facts have been detailed with not so much as a single fact shown to be inaccurate!
Greg - if this is not correct, please show us all exactly where I was wrong and where you corrected me! As usual, you make silly, ridiculous but also libelous and derogatory claims that I must reveal for the damaging and false words that they are.
Greg - "I don't care about towns that went through the CSC process. Who cares? How about looking at a town with a good working Township Committee - that isn't interested in changing."
I realize you have limited intelligence Greg, so I'll take it one small step at a time on this since you seem so convinced that you're right!
What was the point of interviewing officials from Hillsborough and from other towns Greg? To find out how our own form of govt works, and to find out how other forms of govt work!
Right so far?
The specific and particular manner in which a town applies its form of govt is not as much the issue as what the boundaries are, how it can work, how it does work in actual operation, and whether there is anything in the FORM ITSELF that can be better, or worse, for Hillsborough?
Therefore, what would be gained from talking to another town with the same form of govt??? We already KNOW how this one works PLUS we got to read OTHER final reports where those experienced and unbiased people wrote down what they thought was GOOD and BAD about Township Committee.
Why interview them when there is virtually no new info that they can provide - other than to have people say We Like TC!!!!! That adds NOTHING to the discussion - but I've come to know this about you - logic and intelligence are not your strong points so I expect nonsense from you!
Greg some more - "Some witnesses who would not be perceived as biased. Some people who could tell us what makes TC a good form of government."
As I stated in the prior response which you either are too ignorant to comprehend, or that you merely totally ignored - We had plenty of balance between current TC, former TC and sitting CSC members with no political affiliation. We also did NOT just drum up a list of GOOD and BAD and place them in a report!!! We wrote them on BIG sheets of paper and hung them up for the PUBLIC to see in MANY meetings!
The final list of GOOD and BAD on Township Committee was debated and placed in front of the public for a couple of months - so it was fully and completely vetted.
Did OTHER towns bring in a bunch of people from other TC towns for their opinion Greg?
Did the CSC list of Strengths and Weaknesses agree with the vast majority of other towns - INCLUDING towns that did NOT change?????????????????
Greg gets truly nasty and oh so out of touch with reality here - "
For all of your IQ and patents and all the rest of it, you couldn't see that out own TC would be perceived as biased? That's crazy."
Again, Greg - I responded on this point in the prior comment but you did NOT apply what I wrote did you? No! It's so frustrating to try to debate with someone like Greg who cannot, or will not actually address what is said!!!
Not everything the CURRENT TC said was biased and incorrect (although much of it was!!!). What did we use as guideline Greg? Think hard Greg? Was THAT biased? And what did I provide as an explanation BEFORE to this same point Greg, so I don't repeat myself and waste more time???
Greg Gillette has refused to act like a responsible, rational and honest person in this exchange. He will only discuss and comment on the points HE chooses and he usually chooses NOT to answer any questions nor to even respond in kind to comments made in response to HIS claims and statements. That makes it IMPOSSIBLE to hold a discussion!
It's like talking to a child - a bully child. For instance, the bully child says the sky is green. So I respond with the statement that the sky is Blue and I include the details as to WHY the sky is blue. TO which bully child repeats his original claim that the sky is green but adds that I am mistreating him by not agreeing with him and that he used to like me before. And on it goes with Greg not sticking to facts but instead fabricating all sorts of false claims and basically avoiding ANY issue that does not add up to his conclusion.
Greg - you made a rather nasty and derogatory claim that I berated a fellow resident! Assuming you mean in the CSC meetings???
ReplyDeletePlease provide details since I believe that to be false. If you cannot support that claim with facts, you could be found guilty of libel, which is actionable in court.
So, Were you just spewing or do you have any facts to support this defamatory and nasty accusation?????
What IS actionable in court is the continuing campaign to ruin someone's reputation by calling them a criminal and accusing them of criminal acts.
ReplyDeleteBut I will withdraw my allegation that you berated a fellow resident at a CSC meeting - as that is probably not the most accurate description of your interaction with Mr. Michaels. I apologize for the mischaracterization.
Glenn, you just don't get it. Your statements that I have been working in concert with or have been aligned with the local GOP or RALG or any other group are completely false. It is not factual to say I have been. It's not like arguing that the sky is blue - because in this case, the sky isn't blue.
ReplyDeleteIf you are just flat out calling me a liar on this point - then go ahead. I won't sue you for believing I am a liar. But all of your other allegations flow from this one false premise - that I am involved with the GOP. Therefore, i can not argue any of your other points! The foundation upon which all of your accusations are based is NOT TRUE.
And now we see how deep your paranoia goes! How could you possibly know who I voted for fo0r CSC? You can't! 2005! What a joke! I didn't have any involvement in 2005 - except to state that I WAS NOT AGAINST WARDS! I don't think wards are a bad idea! Get it now! I think I was appointed to the Historic Commission in August 2006 - my first involvement with Hillsborough government. August 2006!!!!!!
Wow - this is a PERFECT example of how Greg Gillette twists facts and refuses to honestly and objectively report the TRUTH about clear events! It's also yet another piece of information that proves MY opinion - that while Greg CLAIMS he voted for me for CSC, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE to support such a claim by him.
ReplyDeleteGreg's claim that I berated a fellow resident, one that he now retracts but does so NOT clearly and with a lot of remaining defamatory content, was regarding the HONEST, FACTUAL and APPROPRIATE rebuttal I made to Jeff Michaels in a CSC meeting! The facts are clearly available to anyone who wishes to see that video.
In that meeting, I said quite clearly that while I allowed Jeff Michaels to make his statements in previous meetings, that he had gone WAY over the line this time.
I made sure that the PUBLIC, the good citizens of Hillsborough did NOT fall for Mr Michael's false comments and claims! I made sure that the voters watching would know - since Mr Michaels was NOT being honest and right here and now Greg Gillette is (once again) NOT being honest and forthright - that Jeff Michaels is a professional lobbyist, was the Chief of Staff for Acting Gov Don DeFrancesco and is a former Chairman of the Hillsborough Republican Party (the group who previously and was currently trying to kill ANY change of govt).
Jeff was NOT just some average Joe, some good-natured citizen stepping up to the microphone to voice his opinion! The good people of Hillsborough, especially the Voters, need to know when someone with a strong conflict of interest is addressing them!!!!!!!!!
When Jeff claimed that non-partisan govt does not work, could not work, and would make Hillsborough politics MUCH worse, he was also claiming that remarks to the contrary were "disingenuous"!!!!!!
He was in effect calling ME a liar!
But that is not the issue here. The issue is that Jeff Michaels was LYING because he KNOWS politics and he KNOWS that removing political influence from elections has in MANY towns helped to REMOVE the political shenanigans!
Greg KNOWS FOR A FACT that we received expert and unbiased testimony from West Windsor where they told us that since going to a non-partisan government, their political parties are barely of any influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Therefore, Mr Michael's remarks have been proven to have been FALSE as I stated and right now, Greg Gillette initially tried to LIE to the public by misrepresenting what I said and what a political activist and lobbyist had said!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greg - you are untrustworthy and pathetic! You have done this to yourself by making derogatory and inaccurate statements about me that I am fully within my rights to defend myself and possibly to take you to court to prove damages! Fortunately for you, there is little evidence to suggest there are any substantial numbers of readers and so damages would be limited. Plus, I doubt any open-minded person could possibly believe what you write here after reading the facts I present in detail!
Mr Gillette yet again twists words and facts, refuses to address responses made directly to previous posts, and is again improperly defaming me!
ReplyDeleteSo here we go - again!
Greg writes - "Glenn, you just don't get it."
As you will see below, the ONLY person who 'doesn't get it" is Greg! Perhaps he IS just too unintelligent to be able to logically comprehend anything but simple concepts! But it doesn't stop him from THINKING that he is right despite my myriad proofs and facts showing that he is totally incapable of supporting what he claims!!!
Greg - "Your statements that I have been working in concert with or have been aligned with the local GOP or RALG or any other group are completely false. It is not factual to say I have been. It's not like arguing that the sky is blue - because in this case, the sky isn't blue."
STOP it Greg!!!!!!!!!!! Stop twisting what I have stated over and over!!! While it is MY OPINION that you have been working with the local GOP lying animals, it is the FACTS upon which I support this opinion that are totally accurate, relevant and compelling!
I've asked You the question now Greg, what, three or four time????? But apparently I have to ask it one more time to try to get you to open your eyes to The TRUTH!
The facts are Clear and inarguable!
Greg - is there ANY blog entry of yours that contradicts the GOP / RALG effort to stop the change of govt?
Did you make virtually the SAME arguments and express the SAME opinions as the GOP/RALG group that lied repeatedly?
Have you refuted ANY of the clear facts I've presented on this very subject which proves the GOP/RALG group LIED?
Did you in any of your blogs educate the general public, the voters of Hillsborough, about the primary issues of concern for the change of government, or did you only provide YOUR viewpoint, YOUR opinions and so leave out the entire compelling set of reasons why the CSC concluded that we should have a better and more efficient form of government?
Throughout this entire discussion, haven't I repeatedly invited you to provide ANY facts to support your despicable and inaccurate accusations and claims? And haven't you totally failed to do this in any meaningful manner?
More of Greg's spewings - "If you are just flat out calling me a liar on this point - then go ahead. I won't sue you for believing I am a liar. But all of your other allegations flow from this one false premise - that I am involved with the GOP. Therefore, i can not argue any of your other points! The foundation upon which all of your accusations are based is NOT TRUE."
Here we see the actually clever but false logic Greg has applied to claim he is innocent! As a matter of logic, does it matter what I think about Greg that makes him innocent or guilty? Not, not one tiny bit!
What matters is - what has Greg done to help the voters, the citizens of Hillsborough and how has he responded to a debate on this critical issue?
Greg refuses to admit the many clear and totally irrefutable lies and misleading information made by our own elected officials and their political cronies! Why wouldn't he - unless he was part of THEM! He clearly supported their effort to kill the change of govt issue right from the start! Greg has even helped to support the lies by the politicians as I've detailed in this discussion many times - with not ONE rebuttal by Mr Gillette!
What SHOULD we think about you Mr Gillette when you are guilty of NOT giving the public open and objective information, and worse, when you aid and abet those who lied to the people repeatedly?
While MY opinions and conclusions are supported by unbiased research, clear factual evidence, the conclusions made by MANY other towns who had no reason to be biased and frankly no ability to offer bias in this matter, YOUR opinions and efforts were solely aligned with those whose mission was to kill the change of govt issue at any cost.
As I've begged you to do before, please feel free to offer ANY evidence, ANY facts to refute these statements. From past experience I know you can't and so you won't! You'll change the subject and most likely inappropriately libel me yet again - to which I will respond in great detail to restore my excellent reputation.
Greg's final nasty comments - "And now we see how deep your paranoia goes! How could you possibly know who I voted for fo0r CSC? You can't!"
The very basic and simple flaws in Greg's argument only supports my opinion that he has NOT been a fan of mine for a long time! Greg - I very clearly and in great detail ALREADY stated WHY I believe you didn't vote for me! There is NOTHING in the record to show that you believed the same things as me which is why people vote for other people!
This is a very simple concept Greg. The fact that you are being an idiot about it tells me more clearly that you NEVER were a fan of mine.
For example - you very clearly came out at the very beginning of CSC AGAINST any change in government! Are we correct so far Greg? Everyone knows that I was a member of CCG - the group that tried to change our form of government in 2005 by generating the largest grass-roots effort in Hillsborough's history and a petition with over 4,000 voters' signatures!
So Greg - please tell us. Since you were against the very principles and opinions that you KNEW I held dear, why would you vote for me?
We also know you were very tight with a member of the CSC who got there from the GOP group of five, a person who was instrumental in making the voters misinformed in 2005, like claiming the cahnge in govt would cost "$700,000 according to township experts"!!!!???? That was a total LIE! You and I BOTH know you were very tight with that person, which would make it virtually impossible for you to vote for me!
But Greg has not made sense with nearly any of his rantings and ramblings. His goal seems to be to support his prior claims no matter that he cannot support them with any facts of logic or evidence of ANY kind! He will keep twisting the facts and applying such ludicrous reasoning that defies logic and any semblance thereof!
Greg's final little blast - "Get it now!"
Yes Greg! We've got it! You will never debate in a rational and logical and respectful manner. You will avoid the facts in order to continue your misguided and corrupt rantings that to-date, have been in near-total support for a political group that has lied to the voters repeatedly and who manipulated the voters twice. You want us all to beleive it was merely coincidental that the GOP/RALG group held similar opinions as yours??? Sorry but I was born at night, but not LAST night!
Having witnessed the RALG campaign, I can say conclusively that the RALG group was against a change of government forms in Hillsborough. I was also against a change of government forms in Hillsborough. The path I took to make my decision was different from the path RALG took. We had different motivations, but arrived in exactly the same place. My stance against government change helped RALG - it was helpful to them for people to be against it, and to speak out against it. My position helped to support theirs, in at least a small way.
ReplyDeleteI will not answer for what their motivations were - you will have to take it up with them.
I took very seriously your exhortations to not be too quick to speak out for or against government change - to wait until the study was complete. To that end, I refrained from making any statements about the subject on this blog until after the CSC final vote. Even though it was the most important and talked about topic in Hillsborough.
This blog does not need to present both sides to every story. It is not a news report - it is my personal opinions only.
It is my personal opinion that you have and continue to treat people disrespectfully. It matters not that you are speaking the truth, or believe you are speaking the truth. One doesn't go up to an obese person and call them fat. One doesn't walk into a neighbor's shabby house and say "what a dump!"
Glenn, you are rude and obnoxious. These are my opinions. After all of the thousands of words you have written here and on the Beacon web site, and at I dare say there can hardly be a person that disagrees with me.
But so what? Who cares? My calling you rude doesn't hurt you, because sometimes you need to be rude to get your point across - to fight the what you believe is tyranny in Hillsborough.
I believe in free speech. But I don't think you could drive out to Secausus right now and get in front of a Channel 9 TV camera. Likewise, I feel I need to cut you off from my "airwaves".
Get your own blog, please. I will even link to it here and at
I want to clear something up. I am not or have I ever been tight with any of the "GOP group of five" - I am not even sure at this point, or I don't remember who those five were. If you are speaking about Gloria McCauley, I never spoke to her or was in her presence outside of a CSC meeting before January 2007 - that is when I first formally met her and introduced myself. I didn't know who she was or anything about her before then. I do remember thinking that she looked nervous up there on the dais in the early days of the CSC - she spoke very low, and seemed unsure of herself - and seemed, at first, to be outmatched by the seasoned veterans up there.
ReplyDeleteIf you are speaking of George Fenwck, I never spoke with him or knew him at all until I met him at Shop Rite a few weeks before he passed away.
What you are doing is fabricating a story of my involvement with the GOP and RALG.
But so what? I don't know how to prove that something is not true. How do you prove that you DON'T know someone?
Seems Mr Gillette likes to indicate by his behavior that I am correct, yet he continues to make libelous and nasty accusations.
ReplyDeleteGreg as I predicted, has refused to answer the simple questions that would help to erase much of the confusion.
I know for a fact that Greg winked at a member of the CSC while he and that person were going on and on about why Hillsborough is so great jsut the way it is! That is no fabrication as Greg tries to pawn off on unsuspecting readers!
Greg says I am rude - yet everything I say is accurate and all I'm doing is calling a liar a liar and it isn't even remotely like calling a fat person fat. You can be fat if you want, it doesn't impact the town. But when people like Mr Gillette work NOT to educate the citizens about important issues, but instead they defame innocent people and act like dictators in providing only THEIR narrow-minded views and information, well, that's when I have a problem.
By suggesting I have my own blog, Greg, again, is either being too ignorant to understand, or he knows the issues but chooses to change the subject.
If you or anyone Greg, make false and dangerous claims and statements that could injure the community or individuals, I will certainly respond. Your choice.
Greg says - "I am not or have I ever been tight with any of the "GOP group of five" - . . . If you are speaking of George Fenwck, I never spoke with him or knew him at all until I met him at Shop Rite a few weeks before he passed away. What you are doing is fabricating a story of my involvement with the GOP and RALG."
No Greg - as usual I'm telling the TRUTH while you are obfuscating it! You were against the change of govt from the start - no open mind as you lied in one blog entry - you were against it. So was Mr Fenwick. No wonder you winked at George during one of your microphone sessions! You thought you were being so slick but the entire line of discussion was irrelevant to the whole issue! Sorry you are too small-minded to understand this simple item.
So here we are again - the facts that cannot be refuted tell us you were very obviously totally aligned with the GOP /RALG group including the people they put on CSC.
Oh - you tipped your hand when you fawned about Gloria's nervousness in her first meeting!? Oh, poor thing, up there with "seasoned veterans"??? Yeah, Bill Page was a seasoned vet, right? You are not smart enough to keep your lies going Greg!
I've provided a LONG list of GOP/RALG lies and again, we see that Greg cannot and WILL not ever dispute that list nor will he EVER admit them! He avoids ANY evidence that shows us quite clearly that the GOP/RALG group was dishonest, unethical and immoral in their actions. This ALL supports my opinion that Greg was working shoulder to shoulder with people who defrauded the voters of Hillsborough!
Is it truly rude to clearly and in detail, prove beyond any shadow of doubt that people here in our community acted to defraud the voters, acted to help only their political party or their personal agendas, or at a minimum, aided and abetted such behavior!
More to follow.
Mr Gillette seems to believe he does NOT have to respond to the comments of those who respond to him. Nice Greg! That's pretty rude, childish and actually supports my contention that you are not merely unitelligent but are clever and knowledgeable and you therefore CHOOSE to make false statements and accusations!
ReplyDeleteGreg - "Having witnessed the RALG campaign, I can say conclusively that the RALG group was against a change of government forms in Hillsborough. I was also against a change of government forms in Hillsborough. The path I took to make my decision was different from the path RALG took. We had different motivations, but arrived in exactly the same place. My stance against government change helped RALG - it was helpful to them for people to be against it, and to speak out against it. My position helped to support theirs, in at least a small way. I will not answer for what their motivations were - you will have to take it up with them."
Greg wants us to look at the motivations and only that. He wants us to think they were separate. Fine. But he has FAILED to respond to simple truths - the fact that the GOP/RALG lied as I've detailed and Greg actually SUPPORTED those lies, as I've detailed!
So what does Greg do here? He tries to change the focus AWAY from the facts like a magician or politician!
The politicians LIED repeatedly and Greg did NOT even TRY to clear up those lies! What does that say about Greg's trustworthiness? Greg thinks it's okay for him to be like a dictator - not providing ALL pertinent information but only providing the info that suits HIS agenda!? Greg even tried to cover up a couple of the politicians' lies as detailed by me and NOT refuted by Greg!
So Greg - every time you TRY to fool the public, I will respond to make sure your smoke and mirrors do no harm to this community!
Greg - "I took very seriously your exhortations to not be too quick to speak out for or against government change - to wait until the study was complete."
Do I have to copy and paste your own words Greg??? You said you had a CLOSED mind on this - that you not only had already made up your mind but that it was OKAY to do that BEFORE any facts and research is completed???????????
It isn't rude for me to say that your opnion on this is utterly indefensible and stupid! Only an idiot would form an opinion BEFORE the research and information were complete!
But not you Greg! You argued that it was perfectly fine to already form an opinion and to have CLOSED mind!!!!
But here you lie to try to make it seem less ignorant on your part! So sad!
Greg - "This blog does not need to present both sides to every story. It is not a news report - it is my personal opinions only. It is my personal opinion that you have and continue to treat people disrespectfully. It matters not that you are speaking the truth, or believe you are speaking the truth. One doesn't go up to an obese person and call them fat. One doesn't walk into a neighbor's shabby house and say "what a dump!"
It isn't rude or disrespectful for me to point out those who are lying to the good people of Hillsborough Greg! You yet again totally misrepresent the facts and the Truth = must be because you feel it's okay to write only your opinion and that it doesn't have to relate to facts and reality in any manner whatsoever - so I guess your opinion, only based upon ONE SIDE of issues, MUST be completely worthless! By your own admission, since you only have the desire to write opinions that don't relate to truth, that you have no responsibility to tell us when politicians lie to us, well, your opinion is totally without value!
Greg - "Glenn, you are rude and obnoxious. These are my opinions. After all of the thousands of words you have written here and on the Beacon web site, and at I dare say there can hardly be a person that disagrees with me."
I provide facts and information based upon clear written or video record that disputes most of what you claim to be true, and I'M the RUDE person????? You are a joke! Only you and your sick and pathetic political pals on NJO are claiming I am rude and disrespectful.
Answer this Greg - who respects the citizens of Hillsborough MORE - you who only provides one side of any issue and that side is ALWAYS aligned with the politicians on important matters, or ME who makes sure our citizens get The TRUTH no matter what!!!???
I respond to EXACTLY what YOU write which means I respect your arguments and then I respond in detail. You ont he other hand, NEVER respond to what I write except when you CHANGE it to try to mislead the readers!
Greg - "I believe in free speech."
No Greg, it is readily apparent that you do NOT believe in Free Speech because if you did, you would actually answer the questions I raise and respond to the facts and issues I present. You avoid them to try to HIDE the facts from The PEOPLE.
Freedom of Speech is the heart of our Right to Vote! Our votes are our ultimate speeches - but that was STOLEN by the politicians YOU HELPED who spent over $20,000 to LIE to the good people of Hillsborough, who manipulated the election in 2005 with lies and again in 2007 with more lies!
You could have been part of the Solution Greg, but instead you are part of the Problem! And you have the gall to call ME rude and disrespectful??? So Sad indeed!
Glenn - you think there is a problem, you think i am part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteWho cares what you think anymore? You are clearly delusional. I never winked at anyone at a CSC meeting - before the CSC i would not have known George Fenwick if I tripped over him. Who mentioned Bill Page - he didn't come on until latrer, and by that time, I would call Gloria a seasoned vet too!
You are delusional. I don't always side with the GOP. Do I have to list where I depart from them? I think the Town Center is a joke. I don't believe the 206 bypass will ever be built or is even a good idea. I think TDR is a tool for developers to get rich off the town. Do i need to go on, you dope!
I can't believe I have to once again explain, accurately and with complete honesty, why I wrote that it was O.K. to have a "closed mind" - to already have formed an opinion - about government change. This statement was in direct response to YOU, Glenn, when you tried to stifle ALL discussion of CSC matters until after the study! My clear goal was to try to OPEN discussion, by encouraging ALL to give their views, even if their minds were already made up. I told people that it was ALL RIGHT to already have an opinion, in order to further discussion on the topic. meanwhile, youy attempted to cloise down discussion by making people who already formed strong opinions feel like they had doen something WRONG! Well, it's not wrong to have an early opinion. It doesn't mean that you can't change your mind later.
Having said all that, I don't think you understood whatr I wrote abgove in my response, although it is 100% factual and proveable. I REFRAINED FROM USING MY POSTION AS A WRITER OF THIS BLOG TO INFLUENCE THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE CHARTER STUDY UNTIL AFTER THE STUDY WAS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see that you, as usual, completely ignored that in my last response.
We see more and more of the truly nasty, truly scary, and basically irrational and dictatorial nature of Greg Gillette with every post he makes.
ReplyDeleteYet again, precisely as I predicted, Greg FAILED to respond in kind to what I wrote and to the questions I raised that show his comments to be inaccurate, insincere and in many cases, outright lies.
So here we go again since Greg switches the subject to avoid answering for the many lies, many misleading comments and incredibly ignorant statements he has made.
He can't respond to facts, so he alters the facts and the topics.
Greg writes - "Who cares what you think anymore? You are clearly delusional. I never winked at anyone at a CSC meeting - before the CSC i would not have known George Fenwick if I tripped over him."
Well Greg, you can SAY you never winked at George F., but what SHOULD we believe based upon irrefutable facts??? I know you winked at him - that was very obvious and I was shocked at this transparent attempt at manipulation by you, by setting up this line of questioning and comment to try to steer the CSC off of a useful area of discussion.
George was going right along with you in lock-step while you were making your point - so we should believe it was coincidental???? Right!
George F., like YOU, wanted NO CHANGE, yet you had no idea who he was??? Again, not believable. IN fact, George was heavily involved in the effort to kill the petition effort in 2004/2005 - yet you wish us all to believe that you didn't know who he was despite his efforts in exactly the SAME direction as YOU have moved????
Greg says - "You are delusional. I don't always side with the GOP. Do I have to list where I depart from them?"
Hey jerky boy, dimwit, moron - aka whatever applies to someone who is behaving stupidly and without any semblance of intelligence! Greg, this entire discussion has been within the context of CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT!!! My points are TOTALLY ACCURATE in saying that you not only AGREED with the elected officials, GOP/RALG in EVERY one of your blogs concerning THIS topic Greg, but you even helped to support the LIES of those criminals in two of your blogs - EXACTLY as I've detailed!!!!!
Now we know why you don't copy and paste! Then you would NOT be able to sitch the subjects to TRY to make your points appear valid when in fact they are as vacuous and moronic as the rest of your nonsense.
Greg keeps spewing - " Do i need to go on, you dope!"
Greg wants people to think I'M a dope, yet I'm the ONLY one in this discussion staying On TOPIC using cut and paste to show his exact words, and detailing the false facts and misleading and irrational comments Greg makes.
The fact that HE calls ME a dope is perfect. Yet I'm the rude and disrespectful one here?????? Sure Greg. You keep lying and deluding yourself and your sick political pals.
So far Greg, you haven't shown ANYTHING I've stated to be inaccurate. The ONLY thing you've done is to reveal to ALL that you frequently lie, that you often change subjects in order to avoid being found guilty of stupidity and being worng, you call people names without credible information, and you THINK you are smart but in reality you are far from it!
More on Greg's libelous, irrational and ignorant but nasty response. Again I shall point out - I clearly asked pointed questions that Greg REFUSES to answer since they lead us to FACTS and CONCLUSIONS that Greg wants to keep covered up!
ReplyDeleteGreg writes - "I can't believe I have to once again explain, accurately and with complete honesty, why I wrote that it was O.K. to have a "closed mind" - to already have formed an opinion - about government change. This statement was in direct response to YOU, Glenn, when you tried to stifle ALL discussion of CSC matters until after the study!"
Now Greg, I CHALLENGE you to provide ANY facts to support this nasty, defamatory and disgustingly inaccurate statement! While I was promoting discussion of this whole topic and spending hundreds of hours of my free time engaging the public with FACTS to try to gain signatures to just allow a VOTE on whether or not to change the government, your GOP pals LIED to the public, worked to PREVENT free and open discussion, and people like YOU argued that it was OKAY to NOT be open to discussion, that it was okay to ALREADY have made up our mind WITHOUT the benefit of NEW information, UNBIASED research and facts, etc.
When you fail completely to provide anything but your sick and pathetic opinion that cannot be supported with facts, I'll add that to the potential libel list for court action.
Regarding MY actions on CSC, I was the one who made sure that ALL opinions were included but even more importantly, made sure that the CSC AND the public could see the Good and Bad, the Pros and Cons and could comment on any substantial issue or item during the entire process. Therefore your accusation that I didn't want any discussion until AFTER CSC conclusion is meritless, ignorant, libelous, defamatory and nasty outside of totally inaccurate!
You Greg, show us with every post, just how pathetically nasty, dishonest, mean and ignorant you really are!
Back to Greg's idiotic rant - "My clear goal was to try to OPEN discussion, by encouraging ALL to give their views, even if their minds were already made up. I told people that it was ALL RIGHT to already have an opinion, in order to further discussion on the topic."
INCORRECT Greg - unless you retract this entire line of argument, I will copy and paste into a Beacon LTE EXACTLY what you said in your NJO rant on this and what another poster responded. Frankyly, you have NO IDEA who responded to you, do you? You have an opinion but as we all know, your opinions are unsupportable and ignorant and nasty and mean! You also have already admitted that you do NOT wish to be responsible for accurate information or for making sure the public isn't being lied to by their own elected officials!!!! It's just your opinion and therefore it's all okay right Greg?
Here's the facts! Greg was already arguing to NOT change the form of government, EXACTLY like the elected officials and the local GOP by the way (As I've pointed out previously). Greg was arguing that it was OKAY to NOT have an open mind, that it was okay to NOT have an open discussion but rather it was okay to ALREADY argue and fight to keep the current form BEFORE any new information and research and discussion was obtained!
That's the truth Greg! I almost hope you don't retract your mean and disgusting lies here so I can make you the centerpiece of a good Beacon Letter!
Greg's spewings go on -"Having said all that, I don't think you understood whatr I wrote abgove in my response, although it is 100% factual and proveable. I REFRAINED FROM USING MY POSTION AS A WRITER OF THIS BLOG TO INFLUENCE THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE CHARTER STUDY UNTIL AFTER THE STUDY WAS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see that you, as usual, completely ignored that in my last response."
Greg, please read this slowly since you are incapable of anything more complicated than 2 + 2 = ?
IT doesn't matter that you wrote what you did, ALWAYS in favor of NO CHANGE just like the GOP/RALG, ALWAYS supporting the group that LIED repeatedly, ALWAYS helping them in their despicable effort to manipulate the public into believing what is patently false!
Here's what matters Greg! Until the actual VOTE on this, the voters were susceptible to new and compelling information. As I already pointed out, but you were too ignorant or too dishonest to respond - you had the ability and the opportunity to help the voters to know The TRUTH! But you didn't and in my opinion, that's aiding and abetting criminals! Anyone who would not merely lie to the voters, but who would coordinate an expensive and widespread effort to manipulate the voters for personal and political reasons, should be arrested and thrown in jail! It's stealing the votes of Americans while our soldiers are fighting, some dying, so that others can have that precious right to vote!
The vote is meaningless when it's based upon lies and misinformation!
You didn't help inform the public Greg! You helped to DECEIVE them!
So Greg, I'll ask the question but as usual, you will avoid it because it leads us to a simple fact you want to keep covered. But I'll ask anyway.
Waiting until after the CSC had concluded their study had no affect at at all on voters Greg because in your blog, between the CSC conclusion and the Election Day fiasco, you didn't cover and discuss and present ALL of the information did you? You only presented the lies, the anti-change side, and basically acted as if you were the mouthpiece for the local politicians! Voters had the opportunity to read your blog entries and thereafter to change their minds BEFORE voting, right Greg?
Therefore, how is it important Greg, that you didn't write about CSC until the end of their discussions, when it is of little importance to the actual voting process that occurred well over two months AFTER CSC discussions were concluded?????????? Are you saying that ANY statements and opinions expressed AFTER CSC discussions had no bearing on the election? As usual Greg, you are making no sense. So the quesion is, "is this intentional to fog the issue, or are you THAT stupid?"
I tried to influence the public, in at least a small way, to consider voting "NO" to government change. I didn't believe M-C was right for our town, and, like many other opinionated bloggers, conveyed my opinions, and in many cases gave only my side of the story. Howevever, I never met or even knew of George Fenwick before he was elected to the CSC. I only met Gloria McCauley in January 2007. These are true statements that I can not possibly retract.
ReplyDeleteI do respectfully retract any derogatory remarks I have directed at Mr. van Lier, and ask for his forgiveness.
Frankly, I am afraid for myself and my family. This ongoing crusade will most likely push me away from local issues - both in this blog, and in my life - and might even drive me from Hillsborough.
Mr. van Lier will say it was my own doing. He is correct. I should never have spoken my mind at all. I was much happier before all of this.
Mr. van Lier will also say that I am once again avoiding his questions, dodging the issues, etc. In this case he is correct. I can't write about this topic anymore.
Mr. van Lier, you have won. Your points are well conveyed and are here for all to see. I know you will not let me have the last word on this - so please, go ahead and respond one last time.
It has not been a pleasure dialoging with you, in fact it has been very painful. I can't do this anymore.
I am going to heed the advice of family and friends, and steer as far away from you as I can. The ocean is yours, Mr. van Lier - happy sailing to you.
It is sick, despicable, libelous and completely without ANY factual support that Greg tries to claim "Frankly, I am afraid for myself and my family."
ReplyDeleteGreg, you continue to make disgusting accusations that cannot back up with ANY reasonable facts or logical argument.
Yes, please, as long as YOU stop misleading and lying to the good people of Hillsborough, as I've already stated, I will NOT have any reason to debate with you. This can be readily seen in your many other posts - the ones without the false, nasty, libelous and misleading claims and statements as you have applied in this debate.
Last word??? How can I allow you to LIE about me like this - claiming I represent potential harm to you or your family? That is about the most disgusting statement you've made and just in this debate under this single post, you've made a LOT of false, damaging, despicable and libelous statements.
People like me whoa re honest and who stick to clear facts represent no danger to anyone, nor to any item of interest to this community. People like you however, who manipulate facts, who fabricate all sorts of unsupportable garbage, who act like dictators not to support the facts and the Truth, but who must shove their narrow-minded views down people's throats - it's people like you who are the real danger in any community. Keep your sick views to yourself and people like me won't have any reason to rebut the false and dangerous words you write.