19 October 2007

The Answer, My Friend

At its October 9th meeting, the Hillsborough Township Committee discussed introducing an ordinance that would allow small "wind energy systems" on private property in the township. Committeeman Paul Drake led the discussion, which centered on what a small wind energy system was, and why an ordinance would be needed to allow it. Let me sum it up for you: It's a windmill - not more than 100 feet tall - and producing not more than 100 kilowatts of electricity. It has nothing to do with the amount of hot air generated by environmentalists when they get going on the topic of greenhouse gases and global warming!

Windmills of 100 feet would have to be at least 150 feet from the property line, and would only be allowed on lots of at least ten acres. Windmills would also be restricted to the mountain zone, the agriculture zone, the corporate development zone, and the Duke estate.

It's a good idea to define parameters for something like this in an ordinance. Otherwise, each property owner contemplating a wind system would have to appear first before the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and have their plans fully approved on a case by case basis. With the ordinance, residents would only have to appear before the Planning Board, to determine if their property was of the right size, in the right zone, and if the windmill was placed in the appropriate location on the property.

I applaud Mr. Drake for putting Hillsborough in the lead with this proposal - indeed we would be the first New Jersey town to have such an ordinance. These are the kinds of ideas that make things easier for residents, and keep Hillsborough at the head of the municipal pack in creativity and innovation. And then he said this, "Greenhouse gases are the largest contribution to global warming. This ordinance is one more approach to improve the use of renewable energy."

Oh that hot breeze, and just when it was starting to feel a little cooler!

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly

    Mike Strizki house in West Amwell, stand head and shoulders over most of the alternate power homes in the world. A lot can be learned from Mike’s experience building his solar / hydrogen system.

    I have included two links below that give a good overview of the amazing system this man has created, which by the way, allows him not only to run his 3,500 Sq ft home (including hot tub) but his car too. 356 days a year 24 hours a day, with-out fail or need for back-up power! --- All from the solar / hydrogen power generated entirely on his property

    Link 1, gives a good general overview of the project

    Link 2, spends some time talking about the regulatory problems he had and frankly makes me wonder if our society hasn’t become overburden with rules that impede creativity. Many times it’s just not easy to be smarter than our omnipresent government!


