20 February 2009

But I Don't Even Work Here!

There was a notable episode of 90s sitcom "Seinfeld" where Kramer ended up accidentally working - without actually being hired or getting paid - at some generic corporate office. He proceeded to turn in incomprehensible reports, and was called into the boss's office to be fired. His only explanation, "I don't even really work here!" To which the boss replied, "That's what makes this so hard."

At least Kramer got some notice.

It appears that the Courier News have cut Gillette on Hillsborough from the free Community Courier newspaper that is delivered to mailboxes weekly.

Judging from the exclusion of my blog excerpt these past few weeks, it appears I have been permanently replaced by a column written by one of the editors. Can't be a money-saving measure, because, like Kramer, I don't really work there.

I hope this new column continues to get the same good community response that I have been receiving - from Hillsborough residents who don't read the daily paper or use the internet - who found my blog by reading Communtiy Courier each week.


  1. I hope you keep this blog going for a long time, Greg, I do enjoy reading it and I do get a lot of my local news here.

  2. Thanks Joe for the support. My blog is still excerpted about twice a week in the daily edition of the Courier News, as well as appearing about ten time each month on the MyCentralJersey.com web site.

    I still have more to say, so I think I will be doing this for a while longer!

  3. Having a place to post your thoughts and opinions can be addictive.

    Also, I enjoy your history posts.
