15 April 2009

Injurious to Newark? Ha Ha Ha

Did you read Newark Mayor Cory Booker's recent letter to Governor Jon Corzine concerning plans to update the Izod Center arena in the Meadowlands? Booker is outraged that money is being spent to upgrade that facility - in essence to bring it up to a standard where it can compete with Newark's new, state-of-the-art, Prudential Center - when the state is already in such serious financial straits. He contends that such an expenditure would be injurious to Newark and "further divide our state against itself".

He's joking, right? Nothing more profoundly divides our state against itself, or is more injurious to our well-being, than the enormous amount of all kinds of state aid that flows into Newark, and away from our suburban populations.

Look in the mirror, Cory.

Here's the letter.

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